- 出生年月: 1989-06-24 00:00:00.0
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
2015.10-2016.10,McGill University,联合培养博士
6、亚洲暖温带和热带水稻种植区水-粮食-生态协同关系及相关 SDGs 实施途径-课题2,2024.01.01 00:00:00+00-2026.12.31 00:00:00+00,梁浩,北京大学,地理与遥感学院党委、地理与遥感学院
7、绿肥轮作影响中国南方稻田甲烷排放的时空变异特征及关键过程模拟,2025.01.01 00:00:00+00-2028.12.31 00:00:00+00,梁浩,国家自然科学基金委员会,地理与遥感学院党委、地理与遥感学院
1、Liang, H., Gao. S.J., Hu, K.L., 2020.,Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the dynamic simulation of crop N uptake by using various N dilution curve approaches,European Journal of Agronomy, 116, 126044.
2、梁浩,胡克林,孙 媛,吕浩峰,林 杉,2020.,设施菜地WHCNS_Veg水氮管理模型,农业工程学报, 2020, 36(5), 96-105.
3、Shi, X.R., Batchelor, W.D., Liang, H., Li, S.E., Li, B.G., Hu K.L. 2020.,Determining optimal water and nitrogen management under different initial soil mineral nitrogen levels in northwest China based on a model approach,Agricultural Water Management, 234, 106110.
4、Shi, X.R., Hu, K.L., Batchelor, W.D., Liang, H., Wu, Y.L., Wang, Q.H., Fu, J., Cui, X.Q., Zhou, F., 2020.,Exploring optimal nitrogen management strategies to mitigate nitrogen losses from paddy soil in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River,Agricultural Water Management, 228, 105877.
5、Xu, Q., Hu, K.L., Liang, H., Leghari, S.J., Knudsen, M.T., 2020.,Incorporating the WHCNS model to assess water and nitrogen footprint of alternative cropping systems for grain production in the North China Plain,Journal of Cleaner Production, 263, 121548.
6、Liang, H., Hu, K.L., Qin, W., Zuo, Q., Guo, L., Tao, Y.Y., Lin, S., 2019.,Ground cover rice production system reduces water consumption and nitrogen loss and increases water and nitrogen use efficiencies,Field Crops Research, 233, 70-79.
7、Liang, H., Hu, K.L., Batchelor, W.D., Chen, Q., Liang, B., Li, B.G., 2019.,Modeling dissolved organic nitrogen leaching under different N management practices for the intensive greenhouse production using the improved WHCNS_veg model,Geoderma, 337, 1030-1050.
8、Liang, H., Qin, W., Hu, K.L., Tao, H.B., Li, B.G., 2019.,Modelling groundwater level dynamics under different cropping systems and developing groundwater neutral systems in the North China Plain,Agricultural Water Management, 213, 732-741.
9、Liang, H., Hu, K.L., Batchelor, W.D., Qin, W., Li, B.G., 2018.,Developing a water and nitrogen management model for greenhouse vegetable production in China: sensitivity analysis and evaluation,Ecological Modelling, 367, 24-33.
10、Liang, H., Qi, Z.M., Hu, K.L., Li, B.G., Prasher, S.O., 2018.,Modelling subsurface drainage and nitrogen losses from artificially drained cropland using coupled DRAINMOD and WHCNS models.,Agricultural Water Management, 195, 201-210.
11、Liang, H., Hu, K.L., Qin, W., Zuo, Q., Zhang, Y.N., 2017.,Modelling the effect of mulching on soil heat transfer, water movement and crop growth for ground cover rice production system,Field Crops Research, 201: 97-107.
12、Liang, H., Qi, Z.M., DeJongec, K.C., Hu, K.L., Li, B.G., 2017.,Global sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the nitrate leaching and crop yield simulation under different water and nitrogen management practices,Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 142, 201-210.
13、Liang, H., Hu, K.L., Batchelor, W.D., Qi, Z.M., Li, B.G., 2016.,An integrated soil-crop system model used for water and nitrogen management in North China,Scientific Reports, 6, 25755.
14、Liang, H., Qi, Z.M., Hu, K.L., Prasher, S.O., Zhang, Y.P., 2016.,Can nitrate contaminated groundwater be remediated by optimizing flood irrigation rate with high nitrate water in a desert oasis using the WHCNS model,Journal of Environmental Management, 181: 16-25.
15、He, Y., Liang, H., Hu, K.L., Wang, H.Y., Hou, L.L., 2018.,Modeling nitrogen leaching in a spring maize system under changing climate and genotype scenarios in arid Inner Mongolia, China,Agricultural Water Management, 210, 316-323.
16、梁浩,胡克林,李保国,刘海涛.,土壤-作物-大气系统水热碳氮过程耦合模型构建.,农业工程学报,2014, 30(24): 54-66.
17、梁浩,胡克林,李保国.,不同施肥管理模式下农田氮素淋失及水氮利用效率模拟分析,农业环境科学学报,2015, 34(7): 1317-1325.
18、云安萍,鞠正山,胡克林,梁浩.,基于距离反比法的土壤盐分三维空间插值研究,农业机械学报, 2015, 46(12), 148-156.
19、梁浩, 胡克林, 李保国.,基于PEST的土壤-作物系统模型参数优化及灵敏度分析,农业工程学报,2016, 32(3): 78-85.
20、梁浩,胡克林,侯森,邹国元,王磊.,填闲玉米对京郊设施菜地土壤氮素淋洗影响的模拟分析,农业机械学报,2016, 47(8): 125-136.
21、梁浩,胡克林,李保国,张源沛.,荒漠绿洲井灌农田砂质土壤氮素淋失规律研究,干旱区资源与环境,2016, 30(7): 114-118.
中国仿真学会农业建模与仿真专业委员会委员(2022-)。 中国土壤学会会员、中国作物学会会员。 担任Agricultural and Froest Meteorology、Field Crops Research、Agricultural systems、Agricultural Water Management、SSSAJ、Vadose Zone Journal等国际期刊审稿人。