
Xin Li



Department: College of Hydrology and Water Resources


Teach Department:

Office: Liu Guangwenguan 211



Email: xinli@hhu.edu.cn





  • Name: Xin Li
  • Gender: male
  • Degree: Ph.D
  • Date of Birth: 1987-11-08 00:00:00.0
  • Education Level:
  • Alma Mater: National University of Singapore

Education Experiences


§  National University of Singapore  Ph.D. in Civil Engineering                                  2018

§  Tianjin University   M.Eng. in Hydraulic Engineering                                             2014

§  Zhengzhou University B.Eng. in Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering         2011                                                 


Position held

 §Associate Professor, College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University,2023.06-present

§Lecturer, College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University,2018.11-2023.06

§Computing Engineer, Hydroinformatics Institute ltd, Singapore,2018.06-2018.11


§  Statistical and stochastic modelling and analysis in hydrometeorology

§  Climate- and human-impacted hydrology

§  Data-driven modelling and machine learning

§  Hydroclimatic and hydrological extremes (e.g. precipitation extremes, floods, and droughts)  


Research Projects and Major funding sources

§  PI, Assessment of climate change impact on regional water resources based on nonstationary multi-dimensional downscaling methods, National Natural Science Foundation of China, CNY 270k, 2020-2022

§  PI, Rainfall-Runoff Modelling based on Genetic Programming, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Program of Jiangsu Province, CNY 150k, 2020-2021

§  PI, High-resolution stochastic rainfall simulation across spatiotemporal scales, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, CNY 80k, 2021-2022

§  PI, New-generation hydrological modelling based on machine learning techniques, Nanjing Science and Technology Innovation Project for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, CNY 50k, 2020-2021

§  PI, Multi-site statistical downscaling method and its application in runoff response under climate change, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, CNY 50k, 2019-2020


Selected Publications

SCI-indexed journal papers

1.Xin Li, Ke Zhang*, Pengrui Gu, Haotian Feng, Yifan Yin, Wang Chen, and Bochang Cheng. Changes in precipitation extremes in the Yangtze River Basin during 1960–2019 and the association with global warming, ENSO, and local effects. Science of the Total Environment,760(3):144244, 2021. ESI highly cited paper (ESI highly cited paper, Top 1% in the field of Environment/Ecology)

2.Xin Li, Ke Zhang*, Hongjun Bao, and Hengde Zhang. Climatology and changes in hourly precipitation extremes over China during 1970–2018. Science of The Total Environment,839(9): 156297, 2022.

3.Xin Li  and Vladan Babovic*. A new scheme for multivariate, multisite weather generator with inter-variable, inter-site dependence and inter-annual variability based on empirical copula approach. Climate Dynamics,52(3-4):2247-2267, 2019.

4.Xin Li  and Vladan Babovic*. Multi-site multivariate downscaling of global climate model outputs: an integrated framework combining quantile mapping, stochastic weather generator and empirical copula approaches, Climate Dynamics, 52(9-10):5775-5799, 2019.

5.Xin Li, Xuan Wang*, and Vladan Babovic*. Analysis of variability and trends of precipitation extremes in Singapore during 1980–2013. International Journal of Climatology, 38(1):125–141, 2018

6.Xin Li, Ali Meshgi, Xuan Wang, Jingjie Zhang, SHX Tay, Gerard Pijcke, Nishtha Manocha, Matthias Ong, MT Nguyen, and Vladan Babovic*. Three resampling approaches based on method of fragments for daily-to-subdaily precipitation disaggregation. International Journal of Climatology, 38(S1):e1119–e1138, 2018.

7.Xin Li*, Ali Meshgi, and Vladan Babovic. Spatio-temporal variation of wet and dry spell characteristics of tropical precipitation in Singapore and its association with ENSO. International Journal of Climatology, 36(15):4831–4846, 2016.

8.Zhang, Ke*,  Gebdang B. Ruben, Xin Li, Zhijia Li, Zhongbo Yu, Jun Xia, and Zengchuan Dong. A comprehensive assessment framework for quantifying climatic and anthropogenic contributions to streamflow changes: A case study in a typical semi-arid North China basin. Environmental Modelling & Software,128(6):104704, 2020 (ESI highly cited paper, Top 1% in the field of Computer Science)

9.Ezaz, Gazi Tawfiq, Ke Zhang*, Xin Li*, Md Halim Shalehy, Mohammad Akram Hossain, and Linxin Liu. Spatiotemporal changes of precipitation extremes in Bangladesh during 1987–2017 and their connections with climate changes, climate oscillations, and monsoon dynamics. Global and Planetary Change, 208 (1):103712, 2022.

10.Xuan Wang, Vladan Babovic, and Xin Li*. Application of spatial-temporal error correction in updating hydrodynamic model. Journal of Hydro-environment Research, 16:45–57, 2017.

“*” denotes corresponding author


Open Course

Teaching areas

§  UG course, Engineering Hydrology

§  UG course, Engineering Hydrology and Hydraulics

Teaching achievements

Teaching resources

Social Position

§Member of American Geophysical Union

§Member of European Geophysical Union

§Member of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

§Reviewer for 10+ international journals including Water Resources Research, Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere, Science Bulletin, Environmental Research Letters, Journal of Flood Risk Management, Weather and Forecasting, and many others.



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