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Yifei SunProfessor Department: Geotechnical Research Institute Subject: Teach Department: Tel: 15850656968 Email: yifei.sun@hhu.edu.cn Office: Room 1121, Science Hall Address: PostCode: |
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ResumeYifei Sun is a Professor of Civil Engineering, at the College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University. Prior to joining Hohai University, he had been successively appointed as a Research Fellow in the Ruhr Universität – Bochum and the Poznan University of Technology. His current research is directed towards the development of advanced numerical and analytical methodologies, and their applications to challenging long-term strength and deformation of geomaterials, e.g., sand, clay, ballast, and rockfill, etc., under transport or marine environment. Up until now, he has published tens of papers in leading international journals, and presented several keynote lectures in national and international conferences. He would like to welcome international PhD students who have potential interest and ambition to exploit and lead the forefront of numerical and analytical geotechnics. Those interested in please contact him via the following Email: yifei.sun@hhu.edu.cn About
Education Experiences● Ph.D. in Geotech. Eng., 2013 – 2017, University of Wollongong, Wollongong. ● M.Sc. in Geotech. Eng., 2010 – 2013, Hohai University, Nanjing. ● B.Sc. in Eng. Mech., 2006 – 2010, Hohai University, Nanjing. WorkExperience● Professor, 2022 – current, Coll. Civil Transport. Eng., Hohai Uni., Nanjing. ● Research Fellow, 2021 – 2022, Inst. Struct. Anal., Poznan Uni. Technol., Poznan. ● Humboldt Fellow, 2019 – 2021, Facul. Civil Environ. Eng., Ruhr Uni. Bochum. ● A/Prof. & Postdoc., 2017 – 2019, Coll. Civil Transport. Eng., Hohai Uni., Nanjing. Field1. Soil Dynamics and Soil-Structure Interaction 2. Constitutive Model for Geomaterials 3. Marine Geotechnics 4. Energy Geotechnics Project1. Excellent Young Scientists Fund Program (Overseas). Yifei Sun (PI). 2022 – 2025. National Nature Science Foundation of China. 2. The Ulam Programme. Yifei Sun (PI). 2020 – 2022. Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, Poland. 3. Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship. Yifei Sun (PI). 2019 – 2021. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany. 4. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China. Yifei Sun (PI). 2017 – 2019. Ministry of Education of the P. R. China. 5. Key Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. Yifei Sun (PI). 2017 – 2018. Jiangsu Education Department of the P. R. China. 6. Key Research Project from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Yifei Sun (PI). 2017 – 2019. China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Thesis1. Sun, Y., Gao, Y. & Shen, Y. (2019). Mathematical aspect of the state-dependent stress-dilatancy of granular soil under triaxial loading. Géotechnique. 2. Sun, Y., Nimbalkar, S. & Chen, C. (2019). Particle breakage of granular materials during sample preparation. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 3. Sun, Y., Nimbalkar, S. & Chen, C. (2018). Grading and frequency dependence of the resilient modulus of ballast. Géotechnique Lett. 4. Sun, Y. & Xiao, Y. (2017). Fractional order model for granular soils under drained cyclic loading. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech. 5. Sun, Y., Chen, C. & Nimbalkar, S. (2017). Identification of ballast grading for rail track. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. 6. Sun, Y., Indraratna, B. & Nimbalkar, S. (2014). Three-dimensional characterisation of particle size and shape for ballast. Géotechnique Lett. Achievements
Open Course● Constitutive Theory for Soils ● Soil Mechanics ● Soils Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Teaching achievementsStudents with background in Engineering Mechanics and Computer Science are highly welcome!
Teaching resourcesOne can refer to the Platform, i.e., SoilModels (https://soilmodels.com/), for more useful resources. Social Position● Fellow, Scientific Committee of the Constitutive Relation and Strength for Soils, China Civil Engineering Society. ● Member, American Society of Civil Engineers. ● Associate Editor of Front. Bulit Environ. ● Associate Editor of Front. Environ. Eng. ● Associate Editor of Front. Mech. Eng. ● Guest Editor of Fractal Fract. ● Reviewers of the J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., Comput. Geotech., etc. Honor
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