- 出生年月: 1990-06-17 00:00:00.0
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 毕业院校: 南京航空航天大学
2、电励磁双凸极电机无传感器控制关键技术研究,2018.01.01 00:00:00+00-2019.12.31 00:00:00+00,周兴伟,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
3、航空电励磁双凸极电机宽转速域低转矩脉动无位置传感器控制研究,2020.01.01 00:00:00+00-2022.12.31 00:00:00+00,周兴伟,国家自然科学基金委员会,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
1、A Novel Position-Sensorless Startup Method for DSEM,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS,01-JAN-18
2、Research on Initial Rotor Position Estimation and Anti-Reverse Startup Methods for DSEM,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,SCI一区,2017.6,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Jiang Yu,64/4/3297-3307
3、Position Sensorless Control for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine with Improved Startup Performance,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,SCI一区,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Kaimiao Wang,early access
4、Position Sensorless Control for Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Motor based on Line-to-Line Voltage,IET Electric Power Applications,SCI,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Lan Yang,12/1/81-90
5、A Novel Position-Sensorless Startup Method for DSEM[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,SCI,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Jiadan Wei,54/6/6101-6109
6、Position Sensorless Startup for Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Motor with Only One Test Pulse,IET Electric Power Applications,SCI,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Lan Yang,11/8/1383-1390
7、Research on sensorless and advanced angle control strategies for doubly salient electro-magnetic motor,IET Electric Power Applications,SCI,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Honghao Guo,10/5/375-383
8、Rotor Position Estimating Scheme for Doubly Salient EM Machine Sensorless Startup,Electronics Letters,SCI,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,53/15/375-383
9、Rotor Angular Position Estimation for Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Machine Based on Self-Inductance Rectangle,43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,EI会议,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,2144-2148
10、Self-Optimizing Control of Advanced Commutation Angle for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine,43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,EI会议,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Lan Yang,4403-4407
11、Compensation for Rotor Position Detection Error in Sensorless DSEM Drive based on Line-voltage Difference,42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,EI会议,Xingwei Zhou,Bo Zhou,Lan Yang,2725-2730
13、Position Sensorless Control for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine With Improved Startup Performance,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,02-NOV-19
14、Initial rotor alignment method for doubly salient electromagnetic machine position sensorless startup,Electronics Letters,01-MAY-20
15、Operating Performance Enhancing Method for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine under Light Load Condition, IEEE Access,01-JUN-20
16、Two-Step Rotor Position Estimation Method for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Starter-Generator over Zero and Low Speeds Range,IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics,01-DEC-20
17、Initial rotor alignment method for doubly salient electromagnetic machine position sensorless startup,ELECTRONICS LETTERS,01-JAN-20
18、Operating Performance Enhancing Method for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine Under Light Load Condition,IEEE ACCESS,01-JAN-20
19、Position Sensorless Control for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine With Improved Startup Performance,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,02-NOV-19
21、Comparative Research of Sensorless Startup Methods for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Starter Generator,8th International Conference on (PESA) Power Electronics Systems and Applications 2020,01-DEC-20
22、A Novel Initial Rotor Position Estimation Strategy for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine with Two Test Pulses Injection,22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,01-SEP-19
23、Analysis of the Initial Alignment Process for Doubly Salient Electromagnetic Machine Position Sensorless Startup,22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems,01-SEP-19
1、一种双凸极电机无位置起动方法,201410559568.7,周兴伟, 周波, 郭鸿浩.,发明,授权
2、一种电励磁双凸极电机无反转启动方法,201510033916.1,周兴伟, 周波, 郭鸿浩.,发明,授权
3、一种基于线电压检测的电励磁双凸极电机无位置控制方法,201410625883.5,周兴伟, 周波, 郭鸿浩.,发明,授权
4、一种电励磁双凸极电机提前换相角自优化控制方法.,201710281635.7,周兴伟, 周波, 杨岚, 王开淼.,发明,授权
5、一种电励磁双凸极电机转子精确位置估计方法,201611235595.4,周兴伟, 周波, 郭鸿浩.,发明,授权
6、一种四相电励磁双凸极电机失磁故障容错发电方法,201710362180.1,周兴伟, 周波, 杨岚, 王开淼.,发明,授权
IEEE Member,IES Member; 国际会议ICEMS2022、ICEMS2019、IECON2017分会场主席; IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.、IEEE Trans. Power Electron.、IEEE Trans. Energy Conver.、 IET Electric. Power Appl.等多个SCI期刊审稿人; APEC、IECON、ECCE、ICEMS等多个国际会议审稿人。
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