- 出生年月: 1987-11-02 00:00:00.0
- 学历: 博士研究生
- 毕业院校: 东南大学
1、双功率流风力发电系统并网控制技术研究,2014.09.01 00:00:00+00-2016.09.01 00:00:00+00,朱瑛,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
2、基于主从风机及储能装置优化配置的风电场输出功率平滑控制策略研究,2015.07.01 00:00:00+00-2018.06.30 00:00:00+00,朱瑛,江苏省科学技术厅,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
3、基于风机优化调控的风电场输出功率平滑控制策略研究,2016.01.01 00:00:00+00-2018.12.31 00:00:00+00,朱瑛,国家自然科学基金委员会,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
4、基于动能存储的风电场风机独立、协调综合控制的功率平滑策略研究,2018.01.01 00:00:00+00-2019.12.31 00:00:00+00,朱瑛,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
5、互联大电网高性能分析和态势感知技术(国家项目配套),2018.07.01 00:00:00+00-2020.06.30 00:00:00+00,卫志农,国网辽宁省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
6、复杂交直流电网多元基础信息的一体化实时感知方法,2018.07.01 00:00:00+00-2021.06.01 00:00:00+00,卫志农,国电南瑞科技股份有限公司,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
8、A Novel Maximum Power Point Tracking Control for Permanent Magnet Direct Drive Wind Energy Conversion Systems,Energies,2012-05-05,能源与电气学院
9、Sensorless Control Strategy of Electrical Variable Transmission Machines for Wind Energy Conversion Systems,IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,2013-12-05,能源与电气学院
11、Sensorless Control for the EVT-Based New Dual Power Flow Wind Energy Conversion System,Energies,13-JUN-17
12、Sensorless HCS MPPT based control strategy for the DPF-WECS,ECCE 2017,08-OCT-17
13、Output Power Smoothing Control for the PMSG Based Wind Farm by Using the Allocation of the Wind Turbines,icems 2017,22-AUG-17
14、SM-MRAS Based Sensorless MPPT Control for Dual Power Flow Wind Energy Conversion System,ICRERA 2015,25-NOV-15
15、Multi-area distributed three-phase state estimation for unbalanced active distribution networks,JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY,01-JAN-17
16、Output power smoothing control for the PMSG based wind farm by using the allocation of the wind turbines,2017 20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, ICEMS 2017,2017-01-01,能源与电气学院
17、Sensorless control for the EVT-based new dual power flow wind energy conversion system,Energies,2017-01-01,能源与电气学院
18、Grid-connected Control Strategies for a Dual Power Flow Wind Energy Conversion System,Electric Power Components and Systems,01-FEB-18
19、Analysis and Improvement of Adaptive Coefficient Third Harmonic Voltage Differential Stator Grounding Protection,Energies,03-JUN-18
20、Output Power Smoothing Control for aWind Farm Based on the Allocation ofWind Turbines,Applied sciences,2018-06-15,能源与电气学院
23、Optimal Power and Gas How With a Limited Number of Control Actions,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID,01-JAN-18
24、Output Power Smoothing Control for a Wind Farm Based on the Allocation of Wind Turbines,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,01-JAN-18
25、A Multi-Objective Robust State Estimator for Systems Measured by Phasor Measurement Units,IEEE ACCESS,01-JAN-18
26、Power smoothing control for the PMSG WECS based on the kinetic energy,Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2018,01-JAN-18
27、Review of Output Power Smoothing Technologies for Wind Turbine,Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems,2018-01-01,能源与电气学院
28、Current Source Converter based Control Strategies for the DPF-WECS,ICEMS2018,05-OCT-18
29、Wind turbine imitation control of delta-connected asynchronous machine,Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control,01-JAN-18
30、Fast Calculation of PM eddy current loss in IPMSM under PWM VSI supply,2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG),01-APR-18
31、Demagnetization Characteristics of a Permanent Magnet Embedded Salient Pole Wind Generator,2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference,26-APR-18
32、A Multi-Objective Robust State Estimator for Systems Measured by Phasor Measurement Units,IEEE Access,10-JAN-18
34、Sensorless Control for the EVT-Based New Dual Power Flow Wind Energy Conversion System,Energies,2017-06-13,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
35、Sensorless HCS MPPT based control strategy for the DPF-WECS,ECCE 2017,2017-10-08,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
36、Output Power Smoothing Control for the PMSG Based Wind Farm by Using the Allocation of the Wind Turbines,icems 2017,2017-08-22,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
37、SM-MRAS Based Sensorless MPPT Control for Dual Power Flow Wind Energy Conversion System,ICRERA 2015,2015-11-25,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
38、Multi-area distributed three-phase state estimation for unbalanced active distribution networks,JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY,2017-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
39、Grid-connected Control Strategies for a Dual Power Flow Wind Energy Conversion System,Electric Power Components and Systems,2018-02-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
40、Analysis and Improvement of Adaptive Coefficient Third Harmonic Voltage Differential Stator Grounding Protection,Energies,2018-06-03,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
43、Optimal Power and Gas How With a Limited Number of Control Actions,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID,2018-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
44、Output Power Smoothing Control for a Wind Farm Based on the Allocation of Wind Turbines,APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL,2018-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
45、A Multi-Objective Robust State Estimator for Systems Measured by Phasor Measurement Units,IEEE ACCESS,2018-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
46、Power smoothing control for the PMSG WECS based on the kinetic energy,Proceedings of the 13th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA 2018,2018-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
47、Current Source Converter based Control Strategies for the DPF-WECS,ICEMS2018,2018-10-05,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
48、Wind turbine imitation control of delta-connected asynchronous machine,Dianji yu Kongzhi Xuebao/Electric Machines and Control,2018-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
49、Fast Calculation of PM eddy current loss in IPMSM under PWM VSI supply,2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG),2018-04-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
50、Demagnetization Characteristics of a Permanent Magnet Embedded Salient Pole Wind Generator,2018 IEEE International Magnetics Conference,2018-04-26,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
51、A Multi-Objective Robust State Estimator for Systems Measured by Phasor Measurement Units,IEEE Access,2018-01-10,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
54、Kinetic energy based output power smoothing control and parameters design for PMSG-WECSs,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS,2021-10-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
55、Comprehensive coordinated control strategy of PMSG-based wind turbine for system inertia support,IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION,2021-07-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
56、Control Parameter Design and Stability Verification Based on Typical Control Strategies of Wind Generators,Dianli Xitong Zidonghua/Automation of Electric Power Systems,2021-09-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
57、Wind-storage combined frequency regulation strategy and optimal configuration method of energy storage system considering process of frequency response,Dianli Zidonghua Shebei/Electric Power Automation Equipment,2021-10-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
60、An improved fuzzy logic based DC-link voltage control strategy for smoothing output power of the PMSG-WECS,ENERGY REPORTS,2022-11-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
62、Research on Application of Hot Dry Rock in Energy Development Layout under China's Carbon-Neutrality Target,Proceedings - 2021 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference: Energy Transition for Carbon Neutrality, iSPEC 2021,2021-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
63、An improved kinetic energy control strategy for power smoothing of PMSG-WECS based on low pass filter and fuzzy logic controller,ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH,2023-01-01
64、Hierarchical Cluster Coordination Control Strategy for Large-scale Wind Power Based on Model Predictive Control and Improved Multi-time-scale Active Power Dispatching,JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY,2023-05-01
66、An improved kinetic energy control strategy for power smoothing of PMSG-WECS based on low pass filter and fuzzy logic controller,ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS RESEARCH,2023-01-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
67、Hierarchical Cluster Coordination Control Strategy for Large-scale Wind Power Based on Model Predictive Control and Improved Multi-time-scale Active Power Dispatching,JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY,2023-05-01,电气与动力工程学院党委、电气与动力工程学院
2021年获江苏省普通高校本科优秀毕业论文(设计) 一等奖, 指导学生:马钲洲 2021年江苏省高等学校青年教师电工学课程教学竞赛 二等奖 2020年获河海大学本科毕业设计优秀指导教师,其中一人获校级优秀论文 2019年指导本科毕业设计获校级优秀论文 2018年获校讲课竞赛二等奖
担任国内外高水平期刊的审稿人,主要期刊如下: IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics、Energy Conversion and Management、Renewable&Sustainable Energy Reviews、MPCE等国际期刊审稿人; 电力系统自动化、电力自动化设备等国内重要核心期刊审稿人。
招收全日制硕士研究生。 截止目前,招收研究生情况如下: 共指导研究生33名,其中学术型12名,专业型21名。 2016级,指导专业型研究生1名; 2017级,指导学术型研究生1名,专业型研究生3名; 2018级,指导学术型研究生1名,专业型研究生1名; 2019级,指导学术型研究生1名,专业型研究生1名; 2020级,指导学术型研究生2名,专业型研究生4名; 2021级,指导学术型研究生2名,专业型研究生3名; 2022级,指导学术型研究生2名,专业型研究生3名; 2023级,指导学术型研究生1名,专业型研究生3名;