
zhenhua zhao

Associate professor

Associate professor

Department: College of Environment science


Teach Department:

Office: Shuili building B314, Hohai university

Address: College of Environment, Hohai University

Tel: +8613585121654

Email: zzh4000@126.com


Work Address:

Shuili Building B314 room,

College of Environment, Hohai University,

Xikang road 1#, Nanjing 210098, P.R. China.

Mobile Phone: +86 13585121654 

E-mail: zzh4000@126.com or zzh4000@hhu.edu.cn


  • Name: zhenhua zhao
  • Gender: male
  • Degree: PhD
  • Date of Birth: 1973-07-16 00:00:00.0
  • Education Level: post doctor
  • Alma Mater: Huazhong Agriculture University

Education Experiences

l  1996 – 2002: Master and Ph.D. in Soil science, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan, China

l  1992 – 1996: Bachelor in Environmental Science, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China


l2004- Present, Professor, College of Environment, Hohai University, Nanjing, China.

l2002-2004, Post-doctoral research fellowship, State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture (Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Nanjing, China.


l  Interaction mechanisms among eutrophication, algae and POPs in lakes and rivers

l  Effect of saving-water on the transfer and transformation of PAHs in paddy field system.

l  epiphytic biofilm formation and quorum sensing in the coexistence system of PAHs and Submerged plant

l  Simultaneous digestion mechanism and application of photocatalyst and degradation bacteria on PAHs


1.(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51879080): Study about the stress effect of PAHs on nitrogen transformation in water and the response-regulation mechanisms of epiphytic biofilm on submerged plants1/2019—12/2022, CNY600,000 (As Principal Investigator).

2. (2) Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (BK20171435): The buffering mechanism study of submerged plants biofilm on the stress effect of PAHs on notrogen recycle. 2017/07-2020/12, CNY100,000 (As Principal Investigator).

3. (3) National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41371307): Mechanism research about rhizosphere effect induced by the regulation of water-saving affecting on the accumulation of PAHs in rice, 1/2014—12/2017, CNY750,000 (As Principal Investigator).

4. (4) 11th five-year plan National Science and Technology Major Program, (No. 2009ZX07317-007-06): Research and demonstration projects about multivariate ecological water quality improvement and key technologies of functional improvement for urban light pollution landscape rivers and lakes, 2009-2012, 1/2009-12/2012, CNY300,000 (As Principal Investigator).

5. (5) Opening funding of State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture foundation (0812201228): Research about impact mechanism of regulation of water and fertilizer on the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons migration in paddy, 2012-2015, CNY65,000 (As Principal Investigator).

6. (6) Opening Funding of State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse (PCRRF12010): Planktonic algae ecological contribution research to organic risk pollutants migration and transformation in river and lakes, 2013-2014, CNY50,000 (As Principal Investigator).

7. (7) Key Laboratory of Integrated Regulation and Resource Development on Shallow Lake of Ministry of Education (2007KJ003): Transfer and transformation rules research of POPs among laky sediment – water – organisms, 2008-2010, CNY50,000 (As Principal Investigator).



[1]       发明专利:阮晓红,赵振华等. 交替式组合湿地系统及高效去除城市尾水氮磷的方法. 2012,授权号:ZL 201010224776.3,授权公告号:CN101921042A

[2]       实用新型专利:于立婷,赵振华. 便携式定深定距水样采集装置. 2013年,授权号:ZL201220289054.0,公开(公告)号:CN202735129U

[3]       发明专利:赵振华曹晶晶史文梅张丹张芸芸候锦超. 一种根箱实验中气态多环芳烃被动采样器及其采样测定方法. 授权号:CN10546673B, 专利号:ZL201511010215.2

[4]       发明专利:赵振华,侯锦超,张芸芸,曹晶晶,孙洁. 一种土壤气相中持久类有机污染物的主动式原位采集系统. 专利号:ZL 201511013898.7, 授权号:CN105486552B.

[5]       发明专利:赵振华, 侯锦超, 张丹, 史文梅, 曹晶晶. 一种适用于土壤中持久性有机污染物检测的被动式渗滤液采集器. 专利号:ZL 201610025679.9, 授权号:CN105675350B

[6]       发明专利:赵振华、侯锦超、张丹、张芸芸。用于土壤中PAHs扩散通量监测的根系模拟采集系统。授权号:CN106018182B,专利号:ZL201610322394.1

[7]       发明专利:赵振华,秦之瑞,史文梅, 张丹。水气界面POPs物质主动采样系统及挥发性通量计算方法。申请号:201710338149.4.

[8]       实用新型专利:任晋洋,赵振华,秦之瑞。一种具有实时理化参数采集功能的水样采集器。专利号:ZL 201821078377.9, 授权号:CN208688878U.

[9]       实用新型专利:吉袁缘,金新凯,蒋煜,赵振华。一种可调节水硬度的净水器。专利号:ZL 201720177123.1

[10]    实用新型专利:戴诗尧,赵振华。一种自动伸缩晾衣杆. 专利号:ZL201721135753.9, 授权号:CN208625226U.

[11]    实用新型专利:戴诗尧,赵振华。一种可改变高度和大小的便携支撑板. 专利号:ZL201721135717.2, 授权号:CN208624846U.

[12]    实用新型专利:戴诗尧,赵振华。一种安装铁门上的纱窗门帘. 专利号:ZL201721135522.8.

[13]    实用新型专利:戴诗尧,赵振华。一种折叠全身镜. 专利号:ZL201721123591.7. 授权号:CN208541025U.

[14]    实用新型专利:戴诗尧,赵振华。一种碗盖筷勺一体餐具. 专利号:ZL201721123726.X. 授权号:CN208541049U.

[15]    实用新型专利:戴诗尧,赵振华。一种拉链式快递箱. 专利号:ZL201721123253.3.

Open Course

(1) Global ecological and soil system

(2) Monitoring the Environment

(3) Earth surface environment

(4) Global environmental questions

Teaching achievements

      自2004年到河海大学环境学院任现职以来,先后主讲了本科生的《大学化学》、《环境工程概论》、《环境保护与可持续发展》、《生命-环境及影视鉴赏》、《环境工程微生物学》、及《生命科学概论》。讲授的研究生课程主要包括:学术型研究生的《微生物生理生化基础》、专业硕士的《环境微生物技术原理及应用》、留学生的《微生物技术及应用》等课程。目前主要主讲《生命科学概论》、《环境保护与可持续发展》、《生命-环境及影视鉴赏》和专业硕士的《环境微生物技术原理及应用》等课程。2010年获得“2010年河海大学大学生暑期社会实践活动优秀指导教师荣誉证书;2008年指导的研究生陈琦获得2010年度河海大学校级优秀硕士学位论文证书; 2011-2013年主持河海大学第一批校公共选修课《生物学导论》核心课程建设项目;2014-2015年主持了河海大学小型教学研究项目《探究式专业基础课《生命科学概论》教学方法提升研究》,通过以上教学改革项目的研究,逐渐形成了自己的3D教学理念和思想体系:即环保影视熏陶+学生上讲台分组展示+课程教学网站交流探讨的教学模式。通过这种寓教于乐的探究式教学方法,充分挖掘了学生的课外学习时间,提高学生发现问题-解决问题的能力,提升了学生自主学习的兴趣,提高了专业基础课的教学质量。每年选修课的人数总是处于180人的满选状态,深得学生们的喜爱。


Teaching resources

Social Position

 (1) Director of Water Environment Branch of China Society of Environmental Science;

 (2) Member of Soil Science Society of China

 (3) Member of China Society of Environmental Science

 (4) Vice chairman of Democratic Union of Hohai University commission


  • 1、校优秀硕士论文指导教师,河海大学,陈琦研究生,2010,校级,校级

  • 2、暑期社会实践优秀指导教师,河海大学,赵振华,2010,校级,校级

  • 3、“环境院”创行项目获得全国性公益净水 大赛季军,河海大学,赵振华,2015,国家级,季军

  • 4、国家奖学金,河海大学,秦之瑞研究生,2018,国家级,国家级

  • 5、“纪念中国民主同盟成立七十周年表彰活动”江苏省先进个人称号,河海大学,赵振华,2011,省级,省级

  • 6、“活力基层组织建设年先进个人”称号,河海大学,赵振华,2013,省级,省级


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