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个人简介董有恒,河海大学副教授,硕士生导师。先后于2015年6月、2020年6月在西南交通大学力学专业获工学学士学位、工学博士学位。2017年10月至2019年10月,在RMIT University联合培养。2020年7月至2022年12月在南京航空航天大学力学博士后流动站从事研究工作。担任江苏省振动工程学会智能系统动力学专业委员会秘书长、江苏省振动工程学会非线性振动专业委员会委员,大禹学院2024级工程力学班级导师。讲授本科生课程《理论力学B》、博士生课程《非线性动力学》数值分析章节。
主要研究领域为先进复合材料和功能梯度材料以及旋转结构动力学与稳定性、非线性减隔振结构动力学设计与分析。在Mech Syst Signal Process、Nonlinear Dyn、Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat、J Sound Vib、振动工程学报、Aerosp Sci Technol、Compos B Eng、Compos Struct等著名国际学术期刊上发表第一作者论文13篇,通讯作者论文2篇。第一作者论文他引总计达850余次,单篇最高被引270余次,包括一篇ESI高被引论文和热点论文。
主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目和中国博士后科学基金面上项目。受邀担任Eng Struct、Thin-walled struct、Compos Struct、IJMS、IJ Heat Mass Transf、IJSSD、Acta Mechanica Sinica等多个期刊审稿人。曾获西南交通大学研究生“竢实扬华奖章”,西南交通大学优秀博士学位论文。入选2023年“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。
欢迎力学、机械、土木等各种专业的同学来读研究生! 个人邮箱dyhe@hhu.edu.cn,欢迎打探了解。 硕士生(王芷欣)、本科毕设(訾子骏、唐新)、大创(王悦、吴思宇、朱昕桐、薛梓鑫) 研究工作总结: 20. 董有恒, 李映辉*, 李翔宇, 茅晓晨. 多种边界条件下自旋圆柱壳振动特性研究. 振动工程学报,37 (2024): 1731-1738. 19. 董有恒, 胡海岩*, 王立峰, 茅晓晨. Nonlinear coupled multi-mode vibrations of simply supported cylindrical shells: Comparison studies. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 128 (2024): 107667. (Scopus Citations: 7) 18. 董有恒, 刘欢, 胡海岩*, 王立峰. Semi-analytical and experimental studies on travelling wave vibrations of a moderately thick cylindrical shell subject to a spinning motion. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 535 (2022) 117095. (Scopus Citations: 17) 17. 刘欢, 董有恒, 王立峰*, 胡海岩. Travelling-modes of a spinning cylindrical shell with elastic boundaries. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 238 (2023) 107844. (Scopus Citations: 9) 16. 董有恒, 胡海岩*, 王立峰. A comprehensive study on the coupled multi-mode vibrations of cylindrical shells. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 169 (2022) 108730. (Scopus Citations: 36) 15. 董有恒*, 胡海岩, 王立峰. Critical examination on in-plane inertias for vibration characteristics of cylindrical shells. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 511 (2021) 116350. (Scopus Citations: 14) 14. 杨宇康, 罗清, 李稷安, 董有恒, 陈波, 李映辉*. Symmetric and asymmetric thermo-induced buckling and postbuckling of rotating GPLRC annular plates rested on elastic foundation. Engineering Structures. 259 (2022) 114110 13. 杨宇康, 陈波, 林位麒, 李映辉, 董有恒*. Vibration and symmetric thermal buckling of asymmetric annular sandwich plates with piezoelectric/GPLRC layers rested on foundation. Aerospace Science and Technology. 110 (2021) 116495. (Scopus Citations: 49) 12. 杨宇康, 董有恒*, 李映辉**. Buckling of piezoelectric sandwich microplates with arbitrary in-plane BCs rested on foundation: Effect of hygro-thermo-electro-elastic field. The European Physical Journal Plus. 135 (2020) 61. (Scopus Citations: 17) 11. 董有恒, 李映辉*, Chen D, Yang J**. Vibration characteristics of functionally graded graphene reinforced porous nanocomposite cylindrical shells with spinning motion. Composites Part B Engineering. 145 (2018) 1–13. (Scopus Citations: 271) 10. 董有恒, 何利文, 王玲, 李映辉*, Yang J**. Buckling of spinning functionally graded graphene reinforced porous nanocomposite cylindrical shells: An analytical study. Aerospace Science and Technology. 82-83 (2018) 466-478. (Scopus Citations: 159, ESI highly cited paper, Hot paper) 9. 董有恒, 朱波, Wang Y, 李映辉*, Yang J**. Nonlinear free vibration of graphene reinforced cylindrical shells: Effects of spinning motion and axial load. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 437 (2018) 79–96. (Scopus Citations: 136) 8. 董有恒, 李翔宇, 高康, 李映辉, Yang J*. Harmonic resonances of graded graphene reinforced nonlinear cylindrical shell: Effects of spinning motion and thermal environment. Nonlinear Dynamics. 99 (2020) 981-1000. (Scopus Citations: 89) 7. 董有恒, 朱波, Wang Y, 何利文, 李映辉*, Yang J. Analytical prediction of the impact response of grapheme reinforced spinning cylindrical shells under axial and thermal loads. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 71 (2019) 331–348. (Scopus Citations: 77) 6. 董有恒, 李映辉, 李翔宇, Yang J*. Active control of dynamic behaviors of functionally graded graphene reinforced cylindrical shells with piezoelectric actuator/sensor layers. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 82 (2020) 252-270. (Scopus Citations: 74) 5. 李映辉*, 董有恒, 秦营, 吕海炜. Nonlinear forced vibration and stability of an axially moving viscoelastic sandwich beam. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 138-139 (2018) 131-145. (Scopus Citations: 53) 4. 董有恒, 李映辉*. A unified nonlinear analytical solution of bending, buckling and vibration for the temperature-dependent FG rectangular plates subjected to thermal load. Composite Structures, 159 (2017) 689–701. (Scopus Citations: 35) 3. 董有恒, 张云飞, 李映辉*. An analytical formulation for postbuckling and buckling vibration of micro-scale laminated composite beams considering hygrothermal effect. Composite Structures, 170 (2017) 11-25. (Scopus Citations: 34) 2. 王玲, 董有恒, 李映辉*. Vibration analysis of a thermo-mechanically coupled large-scale welded wall based on an equivalent model. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 50 (2017) 347-360. (Scopus Citations: 2) 1. 李翔宇*, 董有恒, 刘畅, 刘岩, 王成军, 石腾飞. Axisymmetric thermo-magneto-electro-elastic field in a heterogeneous circular plate subjected to a uniform thermal load. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 88 (2014) 71-81. (Scopus Citations: 26) 个人资料
研究领域主要研究方向: 旋转结构动力学与稳定性 非线性减隔振结构动力学设计与分析 先进复合材料和功能梯度材料 科研项目论文
科技成果开授课程教学成果教学资源社会职务江苏省振动工程学会非线性振动专业委员会委员 2023.12-2028.12 荣誉及奖励招生信息欢迎力学、机械、土木等相关专业的同学报考研究生! 可将个人简历发至邮箱 dyhe@hhu.edu.cn |