

职称: 副教授

部门: 地理与遥感学院

学科: 地理学

教学部门: 地理与遥感学院党委、地理与遥感学院


邮件: kelinghong@hhu.edu.cn

办公地址: 笃学楼

通讯地址: 江苏省南京市江宁区佛城西路8号笃学楼

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       柯灵红,副教授,硕士生导师。获得江苏省“双创博士”,河海大学“大禹学者”第四层次人才,河海大学水文水资源学院“五四青年”科技奖等资助和荣誉。20162月博士毕业于香港理工大学遥感与地理信息科学专业;2016年加入美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)地理系, 担任博士后研究员,2018年加入河海大学。曾参与多个国际/地区地表水体监测的研究项目,包括香港研究资助局(RGC)资助的青藏高原冰川变化监测项目,美国国家宇航局(NASA)与喷气式实验室(JPL)联合资助的新一代海洋陆地水体测高卫星SWOT 地形影响建模及其水文应用研究项目(Model-based Adaptive Water Body Mapping and Lake Modeling from SWOT/KaRIn);目前主持国家自然科学基金青年基金,重点研发计划专题,中央业务经费等项目。在国际权威期刊包括Remote Sensing of Environment, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing等上发表第一/通讯作者研究论文10余篇。主要研究方向和兴趣包括基于多源遥感的地表水资源监测、冰冻圈环境监测,气候变化分析等,欢迎具有地理学、测绘科学等相关背景和研究兴趣的考生联系和报考硕士研究生。


  • 姓名: 柯灵红
  • 性别:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 出生年月: 1985-11-04 00:00:00.0
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 香港理工大学


  • 2004-2008,武汉大学,地图学与地理信息系统,学士
  • 2008-2011,中国科学院大学地理科学与资源研究所,地图学与地理信息系统,硕士
  • 2011-2016,香港理工大学,遥感与地理信息科学,博士


  • 2016-2017,加州大学洛杉矶分校,美国SWOT卫星全球水体观测模拟,博士后








  • 1、基于多时相DEM数据的藏东南冰川物质平衡研究,2018-2020,2019,柯灵红,中国科学院青藏高原环境变化与地表过程重点实验室开放基金,中国科学院青藏高原环境变化与地表过程重点实验室,地理学
  • 2、西昆仑-喀喇昆仑区冰川跃动监测及物质平衡分析,2019-2022,2020,柯灵红,国家自然科学基金,地理学,41901374
  • 3、陆地水循环关键参数反演算法和产品研制,2018.05.01-,清华大学,地球科学与工程学院


  • 1、Remote sensing of glacier change in the central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the relationship with changing climate,Remote Sensing,SCI,2017,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Wenkai Li,Xiaoli Ding,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,9(2): 114.
  • 2、Compiling a new glacier inventory for Southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from Landsat and PALSAR data,Journal of glaciology,SCI,2016,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Lei Zhang,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,62(233), 579-592
  • 3、Heterogeneous changes of glaciers over the western Kunlun Mountains based on ICESat and Landsat-8 derived glacier inventory,Remote Sensing of Environment,SCI,2015,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Chunqiao Song,Xiaoli Ding,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,168: 13-23
  • 4、Remotely sensed surface temperature variation of an inland saline lake over the central Qinghai–Tibet Plateau,ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,SCI,2014,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Chunqiao Song,Chunqiao Song,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,98: 157-167
  • 5、Estimation of mass balance of Dongkemadi glaciers with multiple methods based on multi-mission satellite data,Quaternary International,,SCI,2015,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Chunqiao Song,Xiaoli Ding,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,371, 58–66
  • 6、Recent Dramatic Variations of China’s Two Largest Freshwater Lakes: Natural Process or Influenced by the Three Gorges Dam?,Environmental science & technology,SCI,2014,Chunqiao Song,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Linghong ke,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,8 (3), 2086–2087
  • 7、Can mountain glacier melting explains the GRACE-observed mass loss in the southeast Tibetan Plateau: from a climate perspective?,Global and Planetary Change,SCI,2014,Chunqiao Song,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Linghong ke,Bo Huang,Chunqiao Song, Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,24, 1-9
  • 8、Reconstruction of Time-Series MODIS LST in Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Using Geostatistical Approach,IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters,SCI,2013,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Chunqiao Song,Xiaoli Ding,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,10(6), 1602-1606
  • 9、Remote sensing of glacier distribution and change over the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Earth Observation and Remote Sensing Applications (EORSA), 2016 4th International Workshop on. IEEE,,EI,2016,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Lei Zhang,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,442-446
  • 10、A glacier inventory for the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau based on Landsat and PALSAR data (2009 – 2014).,China Scientific Data ,CSCD,2017,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Xiaoli Ding,Linghong ke,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • 11、Long-term surface water changes and driving cause in Xiong’an, China: from dense Landsat time series images and synthetic analysis.,Science Bulletin,SCI,2018,Chunqiao Song,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,Linghong ke,Hang Pan,Chunqiao Song,Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,63(1), 708-716
  • 12、Glacial lake evolution in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and the cause of rapid expansion of proglacial lakes linked to glacial-hydrogeomorphic processes,Journal of Hydrology,SCI,2016,Chunqiao Song,University of California, Los Angeles,Yongwei Sheng,Linghong ke,Chunqiao Song, University of California, Los Angeles,540, 504-514
  • 13、Homogenization of surface temperature data in High Mountain Asia through comparison of reanalysis data and station observations,International Journal of Climatology,SCI,2016,Chunqiao Song,University of California, Los Angeles,Linghong ke,Keith S Richards,Chunqiao Song,University of California, Los Angeles,36(3), 1088-1101
  • 14、Modelling and analysis on the lake water storage changes of Tibetan Plateau from multi-mission satellite data,Remote Sensing of Environment,SCI,2013,Chunqiao Song,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Bo Huang,Linghong ke,Bo Huang,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,135, 25-35
  • 15、Which heterogeneous glacier melting patterns can be robustly observed from space? A multi-scale assessment in southeastern Tibetan Plateau,Remote Sensing of Environment,01-JUN-20






American Geophysical Union 会员

担任“Remote Sensing of Environment”, “ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing”, “Environmental Science & Technology”, “Hydrology and Earth Science System”

 “Global and Planetary Change”, “Remote Sensing”, “IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters”“Scientific Reports”等期刊审稿人.


  • 1、双创博士,河海大学地球科学与工程学院,柯灵红,2019

