

职称: 副研究员

部门: 力学与工程科学学院党委 力学与工程科学学院

学科: 力学

教学部门: 力学与工程科学学院党委、力学与工程科学学院


邮件: mli5@hhu.edu.cn




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2013.9 ~ 2019.3 南京航空航天大学结构工程与力学系,获工学博士学位,导师:高存法教授

2009.9 ~ 2013.6 南京航空航天大学工程力学系,获工学学士学位

2016.10 ~ 2018.10加拿大阿尔伯塔大学机械学院,访学博士,导师:茹重庆教授



2019.5 ~ 2021.8清华大学工程力学系,博士后,指导教师:冯西桥教授



1.      发展了微尺度下软材料接触、颈缩问题的理论分析方法与数值模拟方法,揭示了尺寸效应对软材料变形行为影响的关键物理机制,为利用压痕法测量软材料力学性能提供理论依据,为软材料结构的力学设计和失效预测提供了理论基础,相关成果发表在《Acta Mechanica Sinica》、《Current Applied Physics》等期刊上;

2.      提出了一种简单的弹性体压痕接触问题的理论模型,得到了便于应用的力位移公式,可直接应用于利用压痕法测量弹性材料力学参数,为弹性材料、柔性材料的材料属性表征提供了理论依据,主要成果发表在《International Journal of Mechanical Sciences》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》等期刊上;

3.      提出了力学指导先进功能材料结构设计的方法,可精确指导多种构型的多功能陶瓷材料的制造,也可精确控制木材基光敏材料的变形行为,为新型功能材料的成型和功能化提供了新思路,相关成果发表在《Chemical Engineering Journal》期刊上;

4.      针对软体机器人弹跳行为难以精确控制的挑战,设计了一种基于弹性壳突跳机理的气动弹跳软体机器人,并实现了其弹跳行为的精确控制,为软体机器人的弹跳设计与精确控制提供了新的思路,授权发明专利1项;

5.      利用断裂力学方法,研究了含缺陷(椭圆孔、裂纹)压电椭圆板的力学行为,为压电材料的结构设计提供理论依据。相关结果发表在《J. Appl. Mech.》、《Meccanica》等期刊。




1.     Daotong Zhang, Tao Zhang, Kai Yang, Zhao Li, Chaozheng Liu, Guoqiang Zhou, Min Luo, Min Li*(通讯作者), Weimin Chen*, and Xiaoyan Zhou*, (2024). Designing dense, robust, and ion-diffusion-effective electrodes from natural wood material toward high-volumetric-performance supercapacitors. Nano Letters,. (SCI中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:9.6)

2.     Min Li, Lu Lu, Gui-Lin She, Shuang Wang, (2024). Thermal post-buckling analysis of functionally graded graphene platelets reinforced composite microtubes. Thin-Walled Structures, 203: 112246. (SCI中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:5.7)


1.     Zhigang Wang#, Min Li#(共同一作), Chunjie Yan, Jun Cao, Minghe Du, Heng Deng, (2023). Multifunctional self-shaping ceramics controlled by laser induced graphene. Chemical Engineering Journal, 474: 145779. (SCI中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:16.744)


1.     Daotong Zhang, Kai Yang, Tao Zhang, Min Luo, Min Li*(通讯作者), Zhao Li, Chaozheng Liu, Yiying Ling, Weimin Chen*, Xiaoyan Zhou*, (2022). A facile “thick to thin” strategy for integrating high volumetric energy density and excellent flexibility into MXene/wood free-standing electrode for supercapacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 460: 141733. (SCI中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:16.744)

2.     Daotong Zhang, Kai Yang, Xinyi Liu, Min Luo, Zhao Li, Chaozheng Liu, Min Li*(通讯作者), Weimin Chen*, Xiaoyan Zhou*, (2022). Boosting the photothermal conversion efficiency of MXene film by porous wood for Light-driven soft actuators, Chemical Engineering Journal, 450:138013. (SCI中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:16.744)

3.     Min Li, Yi Yan, Shihao Xu, Gangfeng Wang, Jian Wu, Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2022). Surface effect on the necking of hyperelastic materials, Current Applied Physics, 38: 91-98. (SCI,中科院三区,影响因子:2.48)


1.     Min Li, Huan-Xin Zhang, Zi-Long Zhao, Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2020). Surface effects on cylindrical indentation of a soft layer on a rigid substrate, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 36: 422-429.(SCI,中科院三区,影响因子:1.89)

2.     Min Li, Ming Dai*, (2020). A simple method for spherical indentation of an elastic thin layer with surface tension bonded to a rigid substrate, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 81: 653-662.(SCI中科院二区,top期刊,影响因子:3.63)

3.     Min Li, Cun-Fa Gao, CQ Ru*, (2018). Asymmetric indentation of an elastic beam by a rigid cylinder, Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 4: 69-93. (SCI,中科院三区,影响因子:1.42)

4.     Min Li, CQ Ru, Cun-Fa Gao*, (2018). Axisymmetric indentation of an elastic thin plate by a rigid sphere revisited, ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 98: 1436-1446. (SCI,中科院三区,影响因子:1.10)

5.     Min Li, CQ Ru, Cun-Fa Gao*, (2018). An alternative method for indentation of an elastic thin beam by a rigid indenter, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 149: 508-513. (SCI,中科院二区,影响因子:4.63)

6.     Min Li, Cun-Fa Gao*, (2018). Electro-elastic fields in an elliptic piezoelectric plane with an elliptic hole or a crack of arbitrary location, Meccanica, 53: 347-357.(SCI,中科院三区,影响因子:2.15)

7.     Min Li, Cun-Fa Gao*, (2015). A two-dimensional study of an elliptic piezoelectric plate compressed diametrically. Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA), 2015 Symposium on. IEEE, 295-298. (EI)

8.     Huanxin Zhang , Kaixuan Zhang, Min Li, Yue Shao*, and Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2022). Force-Regulated State Transitions of Growing Axons, Physical Review Letters, 129: 128101. ( SCI中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:8.6)

9.     Bo-Wen Xu, Sang Ye, Min Li, Hong-Ping Zhao, Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2022). Deep learning method for predicting the strengths of microcracked brittle materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 271: 108600. (SCI,中科院二区,影响因子:4.89)

10.  Sang Ye, Min Li, Kaixuan Zhang, Hong-Ping Zhao, Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2022). Extracting the properties of constituent phases from the overall response of composites: A deep neural network method, Composite Structures, 293: 115707. (SCI,中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:6.60)

11.  Yi Yan, Min Li, Zi-Long Zhao, Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2022). An energy method for the bifurcation analysis of necking, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 55:101793. (SCI,中科院一区,影响因子:4.80)

12.  Lu Lu, Shuang Wang, Min Li, X.M. Guo*, (2021). Free vibration and dynamic stability of functionally graded composite microtubes reinforced with graphene platelets, Composite Structures, 272: 114231. (SCI,中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:6.60)

13.  Sang Ye, Wei-Zhi Huang, Min Li, Xi-Qiao Feng*, (2021). Deep learning method for determining the surface elastic moduli of microstructured solids, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 44: 101226. (SCI,中科院一区,影响因子:4.80)

14.  Kun Song, Haopeng Song, Min Li, Peter Schiavone, Cun-Fa Gao*, (2019). Effective properties of a thermoelectric composite containing an elliptic inhomogeneity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 135: 1319-1326. (SCI,中科院一区,top期刊,影响因子:4.94)

15.  Ming Dai, Min Li, Peter Schiavone*, (2018). Plane deformations of an inhomogeneity-matrix system incorporating a compressible liquid inhomogeneity and complete Gurtin-Murdoch interface model, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 85: 121010-1. (SCI,中科院三区,影响因子:2.67)









  • 姓名: 李民
  • 性别:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 出生年月: 1992-05-01 00:00:00.0
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校:


  • 2013.09-2019.04,南京航空航天大学,固体力学,博士
  • 2009.09-2013.06,南京航空航天大学,工程力学,学士


  • 2019.05-2021.08,清华大学,博士后,助理研究员








  • 1、超弹性软材料与生物软组织的变形局部化行为研究,2020-2023,2021,李民,国家自然科学基金,固体力学
  • 2、 空间环境下柔性压电材料结构的力学行为研究,2023-,2023,李民,国重实验室开放项目,力学与工程科学学院
  • 3、汽轮发电机平台结构仿真分析,2023-,李民,横向
  • 4、 生物类软材料压痕响应的理论与实验研究,2024-,李民,中央高校业务费


  • 1、风力机叶片制造缺陷与损伤检测研究进展,绿色能源,2023-12-18
  • 2、Multifunctional self-shaping ceramics controlled by laser induced graphene. ,Chemical Engineering Journal,SCI,2023,Zhigang Wang,Hohai University,Min Li,Heng Deng
  • 3、A facile “thick to thin” strategy for integrating high volumetric energy density and excellent flexibility into MXene/wood free-standing electrode for supercapacitors.,Chemical Engineering Journal,SCI,2022,Daotong Zhang,Min Li,Hohai University
  • 4、Boosting the photothermal conversion efficiency of MXene film by porous wood for Light-driven soft actuators,Chemical Engineering Journal,SCI,2022,Daotong Zhang,Min Li,Hohai University
  • 5、Surface effect on the necking of hyperelastic materials,Current Applied Physics,SCI,2022,Min Li
  • 6、Surface effects on cylindrical indentation of a soft layer on a rigid substrate,Acta Mechanica Sinica,SCI,2020,Min Li
  • 7、A simple method for spherical indentation of an elastic thin layer with surface tension bonded to a rigid substrate,Applied Mathematical Modelling,SCI,2020,Min Li
  • 8、Asymmetric indentation of an elastic beam by a rigid cylinder,Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik,SCI,2018,Min Li
  • 9、Axisymmetric indentation of an elastic thin plate by a rigid sphere revisited,ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik,SCI,2018,Min Li
  • 10、An alternative method for indentation of an elastic thin beam by a rigid indenter,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,SCI,2018,Min Li
  • 11、Electro-elastic fields in an elliptic piezoelectric plane with an elliptic hole or a crack of arbitrary location,Meccanica,SCI,2018,Min Li



  • 1、理论力学B(混合式课程),本科生,0,64
  • 2、力学导论,本科生,154,16
  • 3、理论力学C(混合课程),本科生,51,56
  • 4、力学学科前沿专题讲座,研究生,0,18
  • 5、连续介质力学,研究生,0,66








  • 1、江苏省工科基础力学青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖,李民,省级,一等奖

