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LiuxiaofengProfessor Department: Telecommunication Subject: Teach Department: Tel: 086-519-8519 1725 Email: xfliu@hhu.edu.cn Office: Zhuoyue 704 Address: Jinling North 200, Changzhou, Jiangsu PostCode: 213022 |
10 Access |
ResumeXiaofeng Liu holds a Ph.D. in Bemidical Engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2006, and B.A. in Electronics Engineering and MSc in Computer Science from Taiyuan University of Technology in 1997 and 1999, respectively. He is currently a professor of Department of Telecommunications at Hohai University, China, where he is the leader of Cognition and robotics Laboratory, the director of the joint laboratory of Aldebaran Robotics and Hohai University, and the vice director of Changzhou key laboratory of Robotics and Intelligent Technology. He has undertaken more than 8 grants as PI, and more than 10 grants as researcher, including the national key R&D programmes, the national high-tech R&D program (863), the national bsic rsearch pogram (973). He has served as the chair of Sino-Russia bilateral symposium on animal magnetic navigation and enviroment observation technologies, sponsored by NSFC and RFBR. Now his research interest focuses on the bionavigation from natural inspiration, social robotics, behavior observation and habitat monitoring with WSN and remote controlled robotic camera. He also served as the AE of IET cognitive computation and systems, and editoral board of International Journal of artificial intelligence and consciousness, and gest editor of Interaction studies, complexity, Assembly automation, Advances in mechanical engineering, Frontiers in robotics and AI. About
Education Experiences2002-2006: Ph.D. in Bemidical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 1992-1999: B.A. in Electronics Engineering and MSc in Computer Application, Taiyuan University of Technology WorkExperience1999.07-2002.02 Shenzhen MCM Ltd. 2006.06-2010.09 Shandong University of Science and Technology. 2010.10- Hohai University. Professor. FieldRobotics, Human-robot interaction, Bioinspired Navigation. Project1. Hierarchically Computational Theory and Modeling of Multimedia Cognition, Participant, 2010CB327902, 2010.1~2012.12, National Basic Research Program 2.Biophysical Mechanism and Neural Substrate Associated with Avian Magnetic Orientation and Navigation, PI, 2010.1~2012.12, National Natural Science Foundation. 3. Cognitive Computation Underlying Natural Navigation, PI,2011.05-2013.05, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities 4.Visuo-audio Observation of Avian Migration Behaviour. Fund for Excellent Youth Scholars of Hohai University. PI, 2012.05-2014.05 5.Platform and Key Technologies of Behavioral Observation and Ecological Monitoring in Habitat. Fund for the Excellent Telants of Jiangsu Province, PI, 2013-2015 6.Coastal Development and Conservation, Reseacher, 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center of Jiangsu Province. ThesisLiu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Zheng, Nanning; Automatic extracellular spike detection with piecewise optimal morphological filter Neurocomputing 79 132-139 2012 Elsevier Liu, Xiaofeng; Qi, Huan; Wang, Supin; Wan, Mingxi; Wavelet-based estimation of EEG coherence during Chinese Stroop task Computers in biology and medicine 36 12 1303-1315 2006 Pergamon LIu, Xiaofeng; ChERNEtsoV, Nikita; Avian orientation: multi-cue integration and calibration of compass systems Chin. Birds 3 1 01-Aug 2012 Xiao-Feng, Liu; Yue, Wang; Fine-grained permutation entropy as a measure of natural complexity for time series Chinese Physics B 18 7 2690 2009 IOP Publishing 刘小峰; 俞文莉; 基于符号动力学的认知事件相关电位的复杂度分析 物理学报 57 4 2587-2594 2008 Liu, Xiao-Feng; Yu, Wen-Li; A symbolic dynamics approach to the complexity analysis of event-related potentials 2008 Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; Tortuosity Entropy: a measure of spatial complexity of behavioral changes in animal movement dataarXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5231 2013 Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Xue, Jianru; Increment entropy as a measure of complexity for time series Entropy18 1 22 2016 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute LIU, Xiao-feng; QI, Huan; WANG, Yi; WANG, Su-pin; WAN, Ming-xi; Analysis of EEG synchronization during the native and second language Stroop task Acta Biophysica Sinica 21 3 233-240 2005 LIU, Xiao-feng; Wavelet-based estimation of EEG synchronization associated with native and second language processing in Stroop task Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA 22 3 165-172 2007 No longer published by Elsevier LIU, Xiao-feng; Event-related potentials associated with Chinese and English color-word Stroop tasks in Chinese bilinguals Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA 22 4 201-208 2007 No longer published by Elsevier Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Guo, Feng; Shi, Yuan; Miniature system for chronic neural recording in pigeons and small animals 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques 399-401 2009 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; Design of sparse FIR filters with joint optimization of sparsity and filter order IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 62 1 195-204 2014 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Bin; Jiang, Aimin; Qi, Shixin; Xiang, Chaosheng; Xu, Ning; A bicycle-borne sensor for monitoring air pollution near roadways 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan 166-167 2015 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Minimax design of IIR digital filters using partial second-order factor updates 2015 IEEE International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 01-May2015 IEEE Xiang, Chaosheng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Xia, Jing; Poster: A bicycle-borne sensor network for monitoring urban air quality Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion 88-88 2016 Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Yang, Chenguang; Improving video segmentation by fusing depth cues and the visual background extractor (ViBe) algorithm Sensors17 5 1177 2017 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Liu, Xiaofeng; Xiang, Chaosheng; Li, Bin; Jiang, Aimin; Collaborative bicycle sensing for air pollution on roadway 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing and 2015 IEEE 12th Intl Conf on Autonomic and Trusted Computing and 2015 IEEE 15th Intl Conf on Scalable Computing and Communications and Its Associated Workshops (UIC-ATC-ScalCom) 316-319 2015 IEEE Su, Xin; Choi, Dongmin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Peng, Bao; Channel model for polarized MIMO systems with power radiation pattern concern IEEE Access 4 1061-1072 2016 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Dynamical modelling collective behavior through adaptation to topological neighbors 2016 8th International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP) 01-Apr 2016 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Automated epileptic seizure detection in EEGs using increment entropy 2017 IEEE 30th Canadian conference on electrical and computer engineering (CCECE) 01-Apr 2017 IEEE Wang, Jianming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lu, Ruihua; Wang, Chengfei; Wang, Chengcheng; Poster: Interactive Platform for Urban Bird Studies Using Participatory Sensing Proceedings of the 14th Annual International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Companion 85-85 2016 Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Gao, Mingsheng; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; GMM based classification of speech under stress using physical features 2016 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC) 379-384 2016 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhou, Xu; Liu, Ce; Wang, Jianmin; Zhou, Xiaoqin; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; An interactive training system of motor learning by imitation and speech instructions for children with autism 2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI) 56-61 2016 IEEE Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Gu, Yuxing; Zhang, Xuewu; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Glottal source related to stressed speech under workload in human-robot interface 2017 2nd International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE) 141-145 2017 IEEE Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Yang, Chenguang; Improving Video Segmentation by Fusing Depth Cues and the ViBe Algorithm 2017 Preprints Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Gao, Mingsheng; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Comparison Analysis of Classifiers for Speech under Stress 2016 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) 429-432 2016 IEEE Zhou, Xiaoqin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Chenguang; Jiang, Aimin; Yan, Bin; Multi-channel features spatio-temporal context learning for visual tracking IEEE Access 5 12856-12864 2017 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Liu, Ce; Zhou, Xu; Zhou, Xiaoqin; Jiang, Aimin; Movement imitation underlying coaching platform for children with ASD 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan 57-58 2015 IEEE Li, Weihao; Yang, Chenguang; Jiang, Yiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Su, Chun-Yi; Motion planning for omnidirectional wheeled mobile robot by potential field method Journal of Advanced Transportation 2017 2017 Hindawi Wang, Chengcheng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Xianqiang; Hu, Fang; Jiang, Aimin; Yang, Chenguang; Trajectory tracking of an omni-directional wheeled mobile robot using a model predictive control strategy Applied Sciences 8 2 231 2018 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Zhu, Yanping; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Kwan, Hon Keung; Sparse representation and low-rank approximation for sensor signal processing 2017 IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 01-May 2017 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; Minimax design of sparse FIR digital filters 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 3497-3500 2012 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhu, Yanping; Sparse minimum-phase FIR filter design by SDP 2017 IEEE 30th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE) 01-May2017 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Efficient WLS design of IIR digital filters using partial second-order factorization IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 63 7 703-707 2016 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Xu, Ning; Xue, Jianru; Correction on Liu, X.; Jiang, A.; Xu, N.; Xue, J. Increment Entropy as a Measure of Complexity for Time Series. Entropy 2016, 18, 22 Entropy18 4 133 2016 Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Zhou, Quan; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; EEG channel optimization via sparse common spatial filter 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 900-903 2017 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; IIR digital filter design by partial second-order factorization and iterative WLS approach2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2190-2193 2016 IEEE Yan, Bin; Liu, Xiao-Feng; Yang, Hong-Mei; Structure compliant local warping of images with applications to watermarking attack Multimedia Tools and Applications 75 21 13451-13479 2016 Springer Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Xue; Zhou, Xu; Jiang, Aimin; Appropriate use of the increment entropy for electrophysiological time series Computers in biology and medicine 95 13-23 2018 Elsevier Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibing; Bao, Jingyi; Jiang, Aiming; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Zhen; Voice conversion based on Gaussian processes by coherent and asymmetric training with limited training data Speech Communication 58 124-138 2014 Elsevier Yao, Xiao; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aiming; Xu, Ning; Stress classification in speech based on stress levels 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan 146-147 2015 IEEE Xu, Ning; Bao, JingYi; Liu, XiaoFeng; Jiang, AiMing; Tang, YiBing; Voice conversion towards modeling dynamic characteristics using switching state space model Science China Information Sciences 56 12 Jan-15 2013 Springer Xu, Ning; Yao, Xiao; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Bao, Jingyi; High quality voice conversion by post-filtering the outputs of gaussian processes 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 863-867 2016 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; Zhu, Yanping; IIR filter design with novel stability condition 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2968-2971 2015 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Jiang, Aimin; Tortuosity entropy: A measure of spatial complexity of behavioral changes in animal movement Journal of theoretical biology 364 197-205 2015 Academic Press LIU, Xiao-Feng; SHI, Yuan; Progress in the research on the biophysical mechanism underlying avian magneto reception [J] Acta Biophysica Sínica 25 4 247-254 2009 LIU, Xiaofeng; CHERNETSOV, Nikita; 鸟类定向: 罗盘系统的多源线索整合与校准 Jiang, Aimin; Kwan, Hon Keung; Zhu, Yanping; Liu, Xiaofeng; Xu, Ning; Yao, Xiao; Peak-error-constrained sparse FIR filter design using iterative l 1 optimization 2016 24th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 180-184 2016 IEEE Wang, Ning; Xu, Yang; Ma, Hongbin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Exploration of muscle fatigue effects in bioinspired robot learning from sEMG signals Complexity 2018 2018 Hindawi Su, Xin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lu, Xiaochun; Luo, Chengming; A combination of Alamouti code and beamforming technologies via dual-polarized antenna array systems 2016 International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT) 119-122 2016 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Chen, Hailin; Wang, Chengcheng; Hu, Fang; Yang, Xianqiang; MPC Control and Path Planning of Omni-Directional Mobile Robot with Potential Field Method International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications 170-181 2018 Springer, Cham Zhang, Tingting; Nefs, Harold; Liu, Hantao; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wu, Xiaoli; Depth-of-field effect in subjective and objective evaluation of image quality Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems 308-312 2018 Yang, Biao; Cao, Jinmeng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Nan; Lv, Jidong; Edge computing-based real-time passenger counting using a compact convolutional neural network Neural Computing and Applications Jan-13 2018 Springer London Wang, Ping; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Shang, Jing; Zhang, Li; LSTM-based EEG classification in motor imagery tasks IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26 11 2086-2095 2018 IEEE Zou, Lang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Zhousp, Xu; Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Deep Convolutional Network 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 01-Apr 2018 IEEE Jiang, Aimin; Wang, Qing; Shang, Jing; Liu, Xiaofeng; Sparse Common Spatial Pattern for EEG Channel Reduction in Brain-Computer Interfaces 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 01-Apr 2018 IEEE Xu, Yanbin; Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Zhijun; A teleoperated shared control scheme for mobile robot based sEMG 2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM) 288-293 2018 IEEE Jiang, Yiming; Yang, Chenguang; Wang, Min; Wang, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Bioinspired control design using cerebellar model articulation controller network for omnidirectional mobile robots Advances in Mechanical Engineering 10 8 1.68781E+15 2018 SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England Zhang, Yongding; Liu, Xiaofeng; Luo, Minzhou; Yang, Chenguang; MPC-based 3-D trajectory tracking for an autonomous underwater vehicle with constraints in complex ocean environments Ocean Engineering 189 106309 2019 Pergamon Xu, Ning; Tang, Yibin; Bao, Jingyi; Yao, Xiao; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Voice conversion based on empirical conditional distribution in resource-limited scenarios 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan 172-173 2015 IEEE Yao, Xiao; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Jiang, Aimin; Zhang, Xuewu; Research on Speech Under Stress Based on Glottal Source Using a Physical Speech Production Model IEEE Access 6 44473-44482 2018 IEEE Zhu, Yanping; Deng, Bowen; Jiang, Aimin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Tang, Yibin; Yao, Xiao; ADMM-Based TDOA Estimation IEEE Communications Letters 22 7 1406-1409 2018 IEEE Yang, Chenguang; Ju, Zhaojie; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhong, Junpei; Annamalai, Andy; Control Design for Systems Operating in Complex Environments Complexity 2019 2019 Hindawi Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhong, Junpei; Cangelosi, Angelo; Human robot collaborative intelligence: Theory and applications Interaction Studies 20 1 01-Mar 2019 John Benjamins Cai, Huili; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yan, Bin; Beautified QR Code with Security Based on Data Hiding UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence 423-432 2019 Springer, Cham Zhang, Yongding; Liu, Xiaofeng; Luo, Minzhou; Yang, Chenguang; Bio-Inspired Approach for Long-Range Underwater Navigation Using Model Predictive Control IEEE transactions on cybernetics 2019 IEEE Yang, Biao; Zhan, Weiqin; Wang, Nan; Liu, Xiaofeng; Lv, Jidong; Counting crowds using a scale-distribution-aware network and adaptive human-shaped kernel Neurocomputing 2019 Elsevier Zhong, Jun; Luo, Minzhou; Liu, Xiaofeng; Fan, Jizhuang; Zhao, Jie; Frog-inspired jumping robot actuated by pneumatic muscle actuators Advances In Mechanical Engineering 10 6 1.68781E+15 2018 SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England Xu, Chao; Yang, Xianqiang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Nonrigid point set registration based on Laplace mixture model with local constraints Assembly Automation 2019 Emerald Publishing Limited Liu, Xiaofeng; Wang, Jianming; Lu, Ruihua; Wang, Chengfei; Wang, Chengcheng; Yan, Bin; Interactive Platform for Urban Bird Studies Using Participatory Sensing Yang, Biao; Cao, Jinmeng; Wang, Nan; Liu, Xiaofeng; Anomalous behaviors detection in moving crowds based on a weighted convolutional autoencoder-long short-term memory network IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 11 4 473-482 2018 IEEE Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Guimiao; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Human evaluation of virtual and real-world distance Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems 91-95 2019 Zhang, Tingting; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Kong, Weijie; Wu, Xiaoli; Effects of depth of field on eye movement The Journal of Engineering 2019 23 9157-9161 2019 IET Xia, Ling; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; Pont, Sylvia C; Human interpretation of light diffuseness 2017 14th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting: International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS) 113-116 2017 IEEE Xia, Ling; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; Pont, Sylvia C; P‐12.1: Lighting effects, light distribution matters SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 50 956-958 2019 Xia, Ling; Zhang, Tingting; Liu, Xiaofeng; Validity of deriving low order photometry parameters from light solid distribution Proceedings of the Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems 143-146 2019 Xu, Yang; Yang, Chenguang; Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Zhijun; A Novel Robot Teaching System Based on Mixed Reality 2018 3rd International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM) 250-255 2018 IEEE Zhang, Tingting; Cheng, Hexiang; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; The Influence of Indoor LED Lighting on Depth Perception in Real World 2018 15th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting: International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS) 01-Apr 2018 IEEE Zhang, Tingting; Xia, Ling; Liu, Xiaofeng; Wu, Xiaoli; Eye movements during change detection: the role of depth of field Cognitive Computation and Systems 1 2 55-59 2019 IET Liang, Mingzhou; Su, Xin; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Xuewu; Intelligent Ocean Convergence Platform Based on IoT Empowered with Edge Computing Journal of Internet Technology 21 1 235-244 2020 Zhong, Junpei; Han, Ting; Lotfi, Ahmad; Cangelosi, Angelo; Liu, Xiaofeng; Bridging the Gap between Robotic Applications and Computational Intelligence in Domestic Robotics 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 1445-1452 2019 IEEE Cai, Huili; Liu, Xiaofeng; Cangelosi, Angelo; Security of Cloud Intelligent Robot Based on RSA Algorithm and Digital Signature 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 1453-1456 2019 IEEE Lin, Qing; Liu, Xiaofeng; Zhang, Zhihao; Mobile Robot Self-LocalizationUsing Visual Odometry Based on Ceiling Vision 2019 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) 1435-1439 2019 IEEE Shi, Yewei; Yao, Xiao; Chen, Ruixuan; Yuan, Lili; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Image recognition based on multi-scale dilated lightweight network modelProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multimedia and Image Processing 43-48 2020 Huang, Jinfeng; Zhang, Tingting; Wang, Yudi; Xie, Jinwei; Liu, Xiaofeng; The Effect of Lighting on Stereo Vision Test with Random-Dot Stereogram 2019 16th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2019 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS) 171-174 2019 IEEE Gong, Jiayu; Liu, Xiaofeng; Cao, Xianwen; Diao, Yanyan; Gao, Daqi; Li, Honglin; Qian, Xuhong; PTID: an integrated web resource and computational tool for agrochemical discovery Bioinformatics 29 2 292-294 2013 Oxford University Press Wang, Yudi; Xia, Ling; Huang, Jinfeng; Xu, Ruipeng; Liu, Xiaofeng; Infer light diffuseness on light probes with different kinds of mesoreliefs 2019 16th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting & 2019 International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors China (SSLChina: IFWS) 167-170 2019 IEEE Liu, Lianqing; Ju, Zhaojie; Liu, Xiaofeng; Special issue on robot intelligence for coordinated manipulation and its industrial application Assembly Automation 40 1 1 2020 Liu, Li; Liu, Xiaofeng; Gong, Jiayu; Jiang, Hualiang; Li, Honglin; Accelerating all-atom normal mode analysis with graphics processing unit Journal of chemical theory and computation 7 6 1595-1603 2011 American Chemical Society Chen, Wenqiang; Wang, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Yang, Chenguang; VFH* Based Local Path Planning for Mobile Robot 2019 2nd China Symposium on Cognitive Computing and Hybrid Intelligence (CCHI) 18-23 2019 IEEE Zhang, Yuan; Yao, Xiao; Wang, Zhongli; Su, Hao; Yu, Zihan; Huo, Guanying; Xu, Ning; Liu, Xiaofeng; Improvement of Pose Recognition by Sparse Regularized Convolutional Neural Network2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR) 248-251 2019 IEEE Liu, Xiaofeng; Li, Jinming; Hu, Fang; Yang, Chenguang; Obstacle Induced Stochastic Tree for Fast Path Planning 2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR) 499-503 2019 IEEE AchievementsOpen CourseSignal and System (Undergraduate), Digital Signal Processing (Undergraduate), Digital Signal Processing (International Students), Time-frequency Analysis and Application (Graduate). Teaching achievementsTeaching resourcesSocial PositionInternational Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness (Editoral Board, 2019-) ET Cognitive Computation and Systems (Associate Editor, 2018- ) Complexity (Guest Editor, 2018) Interaction Studies (Guest Editor, 2017-) Advances in Mechanical Engineering (Guest Editor, 2018) Assembly Automation (Guest Editor, 2018) Frontiers in Robotics and AI (Guest Editor, 2018) HonorAdmissions |