个人简介长期致力于大尺度土地利用覆被变化及其生态环境效应研究,以森林生态系统的“时空分布遥感监测-恢复保护成效评估-碳汇功能机制解析”为主线,开展了以下三方面工作:1)厘清了森林覆盖度-结构/生物量-绿度/冠层水分含量的生物物理关系,研发了高鲁棒性的全球森林多源遥感精准监测方法,实现森林遥感监测从二维到三维空间的扩展,改变了森林面积和砍伐时空变化格局的认识。2)阐明了森林恢复、保护和管理的成效及主要限制因素,解析了流域水资源配置对森林恢复的决定性作用,定量揭示了保护区对森林的重要保护成效以及“隐性”森林退化的规模入侵,支撑了森林生态系统的可持续管理。3)发展了森林碳储量遥感精准监测方法,阐明了森林退化是碳汇功能逆转的主要驱动机制,揭示了气候变化和火灾对森林碳汇功能的双重作用机理,为森林碳汇功能评估和修正、稳定性和可持续提升提供了新理论。研究成果被IPCC、全球碳计划、Science等多次采纳,被新闻报道200余次。 研究方向 Ø 流域土地利用变化的环境生态效应 Ø 全球森林变化遥感监测与模型模拟 Ø 人类活动、气候变化与野火对植被碳源汇的影响 Ø 流域生态保护与水土资源配置
教育与工作经历 2024.12 – 至今:教授,河海大学 2023.01 – 2024.11:博士生导师(Graduate Faculty),俄克拉荷马大学 2022.04 – 2024.09:高级研究员(Senior Researcher),俄克拉荷马大学 2016.04 – 2022.03:研究科学家(Research Scientist),俄克拉荷马大学 2013.09 – 2016.03:博士后,俄克拉荷马大学 2010.09 – 2013.07:博士,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所
荣誉和奖励 · 2024年度江苏特聘教授 · 2022-2024年度科睿唯安全球高被引科学家 · 2022-2024年度斯坦福全球前 2% 顶尖科学家 · 2008年汶川地震灾后社会经济调查
论文发表 第一作者及通讯作者论文: 1. Qin, Y., Xiao, X., Liu, F., Silva, F., Shimabukuro, Y., Arai, E., Fearnside P. (2023). Forest conservation in Indigenous territories and protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon. Nature Sustainability, 6, 295-305. (新闻报道70次) 2. Qin, Y., Xiao, X., Wigneron J.P., Ciais P., Brandt M., Fan L., Li X., Crowell S., Wu X., Doughty R., Zhang Y., Liu F., Sitch S., Moore B. (2021). Carbon losses from forest degradation exceed those from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon, Nature Climate Change, 442-448 (高被引论文,新闻报道119次) 3. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Zhang Y., Wu X., Shimabukuro Y., Arai E., Biradar C., Wang J., Zou Z., Liu F., Shi Z., Doughty R., Moore B. (2019). Improved estimates of forest cover and loss in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000–2017, Nature Sustainability, 2, 764-772. (新闻报道12次) 4. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Zhou Y., Wang J., Doughty R., Chen Y., Zou Z., Moore B. (2024). Annual Maps of Forest Cover in the Brazilian Amazon from Analyses of PALSAR and MODIS Images, Earth System Science Data, 16, 321-336. 5. Qin, Y., Xiao, X., Wigneron J.-P., Ciais, P., Canadell, J., Brandt, M., Li, X., Fan L., Wu, X., Tang, H., Dubayah, R., Doughty, R., Crowell, S., Zheng, B., Moore B. (2022). Large loss and rapid recovery of vegetation cover and aboveground biomass over forest areas in Australia during 2019–2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 278, 113087 (新闻报道5次) 6. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Zhou Y., Wang J., Doughty R., Chen Y., Zou Z., Moore B. (2017). Annual dynamics of forest areas in South America during 2007–2010 at 50- m spatial resolution, Remote Sensing of Environment, 201:73-87 7. Liu, F., Yu, Z., Xu, E., Li, D., Zhang, H.*, Qin, Y*. (2021). Natural and semi-natural land dynamics under water resource change from 1990 to 2015 in the Tarim Basin, China. Environmental Research Letters. 16, 085001 8. Qin, Y., Xiao, X., Wigneron, J.-P., Ciais, P., Canadell, J. G., Brandt, M., Li, X., Fan, L., Wu, X., Tang, H., Dubayah, R., Doughty, R., Chang, Q., Crowell, S., Zheng, B., Neal, K., Celis, J.A., Moore, B. (2021). Annual maps of forests in Australia from analyses of microwave and optical images with FAO forest definition, Journal of Remote Sensing, 9784657 9. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Chen B., Liu F., Zhang G., Zhang Y., Wang J., and Wu X. (2017). Quantifying annual changes in built-up area in complex urban-rural landscapes from analyses of PALSAR and Landsat images, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 124:89-105 10. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Zhang G., Shimada M., Liu J., Li C., Kou W., Moore B. (2015). Forest cover maps of China in 2010 from multiple approaches and data sources: PALSAR, Landsat, MODIS, FRA, and NFI. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 109, 1-16 11. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Zhou Y., Zhu Z., Zhang G., Du G., Jin C., Kou W., Wang J., & Li X. (2015). Mapping paddy rice planting area in cold temperate climate region through analysis of time series Landsat 8 (OLI), Landsat 7 (ETM+) and MODIS imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 105, 220-233 12. Qin Y., Xiao X., Wang J., Dong J., Ewing K., Hoagland B., Hough D., Fagin T., Zou Z., Geissler G., Xian G., Loveland T. (2016). Mapping Annual Forest Cover in Sub-Humid and Semi-Arid Regions through Analysis of Landsat and PALSAR Imagery. Remote Sensing, 8, 933 13. Qin Y., Xiao X., Dong J., Zhang G., Roy P.S., Joshi P.K., Gilani H., Murthy M.S.R., Jin C., Wang J., Zhang Y., Chen B., Menarguez M.A., Biradar C.M., Bajgain R., Li X., Dai S., Hou Y., Xin F., Moore B. (2016). Mapping forests in monsoon Asia with ALOS PALSAR 50-m mosaic images and MODIS imagery in 2010. Scientific Reports, 6, 0880 14. 秦元伟,董金玮,萧向明. (2015). 中国森林覆盖度产品的差异性及不确定性分析. 生物多样性, 23, 830-834 (中文核心) 15. Qin Y., Liu J., Shi W., Tao F., Yan H. (2013). Spatial-temporal changes of cropland and climate potential productivity in northern China during 1990-2010. Food Security, 5, 499-512 16. Qin Y., Yan H., Liu J., Dong J., Chen J., Xiao X. (2013). Impacts of ecological restoration projects on agricultural productivity in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 23, 404-416 (2016年度优秀作者) 17. 秦元伟,赵庚星,董超,唐秀美,许国臣,韩吉光.乡镇级耕地质量综合评价及其时空演变分析.自然资源学报,2010,25(3):454─463.(中文核心) 18. 秦元伟,赵庚星,姜曙千,程晋南,孟岩,李百红,许国臣,韩吉光.基于中高分辨率卫星遥感数据的县域冬小麦估产.农业工程学报,2009,25(7):118─123.(EI) 19. 秦元伟,赵庚星,王静,程晋南,孟岩,董超,雷彤.黄河三角洲滨海盐碱退化地恢复与再利用评价研究.农业工程学报,2009,25(11):306─311.(EI) 合作作者论文 1. Meng, Z., Dong, J., Ellis, E., Metternicht, G., Qin, Y., Song, X., Löfqvist, S., Garrett, R., Jia, X., Xiao, X. (2023). Post-2020 biodiversity framework challenged by cropland expansion in protected areas. Nature Sustainability, 6, 758-768. 2. Fan., L., Wigneron., J-P., Ciais., P., Chave., J., Brandt., M., Sitch., S., Yue., C., Bastos., A., Li., X., Qin., Y., Yuan., W., Schepaschenko., D, Mukhortova., L.,Li., X., Liu., X., Wang., M., Frappart., F., Xiao., X., Chen., J., Ma., M., Wen., W., Chen., X., Yang., H., Wees., D., Fensholt., R. (2022). Siberian carbon sink reduced by forest disturbances. Nature Geoscience. 3. Wang, X., Xiao, X., Xu, X., Zou, Z., Chen, B., Qin, Y., Zhang, X., Dong, J., Liu, D., Pan, L., Li, B. (2021). Rebound in China’s coastal wetlands following conservation and restoration. Nature Sustainability 4. Zhang, G., Xiao, X., Dong, J., Zhang, Y., Xin, F., Qin, Y., Doughty, R.B., Moore, B. (2021). Reply to: “Correlation between paddy rice growth and satellite-observed methane column abundance does not imply causation”. Nature Communications, 12, 1189 5. Wang, X., Xiao, X., Zou, Z., Dong, J., Qin, Y., Doughty, R.B., Menarguez, M.A., Chen, B., Wang, J., Ye, H., Ma, J., Zhong, Q., Zhao, B., Li, B. (2020). Gainers and losers of surface and terrestrial water resources in China during 1989–2016. Nature Communications, 11, 3471 6. Zhang, G., Xiao, X., Dong, J., Xin, F., Zhang, Y., Qin, Y., Doughty, R.B., Moore, B. (2020). Fingerprint of rice paddies in spatial–temporal dynamics of atmospheric methane concentration in monsoon Asia. Nature Communications, 11, 554 7. Fan L, Wigneron JP, Ciais P, Chave J, Brandt M, Fensholt R, Saatchi S, Bastos A, Al-Yaari A, Hufkens K, Qin Y, Xiao X, Chen C, Myneni R, Fernandez-Moran R, Mialon A, Rodriguez-Fernandez NJ, Kerr Y, Tian F, Penuelas J. (2019). Satellite observed pantropical carbon dynamics. Nature Plants. 8. Doughty, R., Köhler, P., Frankenberg, C., Magney, T.S., Xiao, X., Qin, Y., Wu, X., & Moore, B. (2019). TROPOMI reveals dry-season increase of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in the Amazon forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, 22393-22398 9. Zou Z., Xiao X., Dong J., Qin Y., Doughty R., Menarguez M., Zhang G., Wang J., (2018) Divergent trends of open surface water body area in the contiguous US during 1984–2016: dry versus wet states, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 长期招聘青年教师、博士后、博士研究生和硕士研究生。有意者,欢迎联系! 个人资料
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