孙宝印,工学博士,硕士生导师,2020年博士毕业于大连理工大学工程力学专业。加州大学伯克利分校访问学者,河海大学在职博士后。主要从事结构抗震、多尺度分析、高性能计算等相关研究。主持科研项目8项,参与重大研究计划、重点研发等课题,近五年发表学术论文20余篇。 |
- 出生年月: 1989-12-25 00:00:00.0
- 学历: 博士研究生毕业
- 毕业院校: 大连理工大学
2016.12-2018.12,UC Berkeley,结构工程(合作导师:Shaofan Li教授)
1、结构抗震分析 2、消能减振、振动控制 3、高性能数值计算 4、多尺度耦合
1、Sun B.*, Zeng Z., Wang K., Ye J., Zhang Y. and Ou, J.. Dual-reduction order parallel simulation of large-scale problems with local material nonlinearities. ,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,SCI,2024
2、Sun B.*, Zeng Z., Sun T., Shen W., Ou J..An efficient reduced-order multi-scale simulation approach for nonlinear analysis of frame structures with nonlinear localization,Journal of Earthquake Engineering,SCI,2023,1-24
3、孙宝印,孙天舒,申伟,古泉,欧进萍*. 高层建筑结构地震弹塑性全过程分析的数值子结构并行计算方法,建筑结构学报,EI,2023,44(2): 75-85
4、Sun B., Zeng Z., Zhang Y., Shen W.*, and Ou, J.. An effective geometric nonlinear analysis approach of framed structures with local material nonlinearities based on the reduced-order Newton-Raphson method,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,SCI,2023,172: 107991
5、Sun, B.*, Zhang, Y., Dai, D., Wang, L. and Ou, J.. Seismic fragility analysis of a large-scale frame structure with local nonlinearities using an efficient reduced-order Newton-Raphson method,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,SCI,2023,164: 107559
6、Sun, B.*, Wang, L, Lyu, K, Zhang, F, and Ou, J.. An improved efficient implicit solution strategy for elastic cracking simulation based on ordinary state-based peridynamics,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,SCI,2022,275: 108841
7、Sun, B.*, Sun T., Shen, W., Wang, L., Zhang, F. and Ou, J.. An efficient coupling of peridynamics with the finite element method for simulating elastic cracking,Engineering Fracture Mechanics,SCI,2022,269:108538
8、孙宝印, 申伟, 孙天舒, 欧进萍*. 改进的降阶牛顿迭代数值子结构方法,工程力学,EI,2022,39: 1-9
9、Sun B., Gu, Q.*, Zhang, P., Li, Y., Ou, J. Efficient Simulation of RC Shear Walls in High-Rise Buildings Using a Practical Multi-Cross-Line-Model,Journal of Earthquake Engineering,SCI,2021,25(9): 1732-1761
10、Sun, B., Zhang, Y., Huang C.*. Machine learning-based seismic fragility analysis of large-scale steel buckling restrained brace frames,Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences,SCI,2020,125(2): 755-776
11、Sun, B., Li, S., Gu, Q.*; Ou, J. Coupling of peridynamics and numerical substructure method for modeling structures with local discontinuities,Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences,SCI,2019,120(3): 739-757
12、Sun B., Gu Q., Zhang P., Ou J.*. A practical numerical substructure method for seismic nonlinear analysis of tall building structures,Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings,SCI,2017,26(16): e1377
13、Zhang, X., Zhu, Z. Sun, B.*. A practical multiscale modeling strategy to model wet-type beam-column connections for seismic analysis of precast RC frame structures,Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering,SCI,2023,168: 107824
14、孙宝印, 古泉, 张沛洲, 欧进萍*. 考虑P-效应的框架结构弹塑性数值子结构分析,工程力学,EI,2018, 35(02): 153-159
15、孙宝印, 古泉, 张沛洲, 欧进萍*. 钢筋混凝土框架结构弹塑性数值子结构分析方法,工程力学,EI,2016,33(05): 44-49
16、孙宝印, 张沛洲, 古泉, 欧进萍*. 基于数值子结构方法的结构弹塑性分析,计算力学学报,核心,2015,32(4): 465-472.