

职称: 副教授

部门: 土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院

学科: 交通运输工程

教学部门: 土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院


邮件: sijingjing@hhu.edu.cn

办公地址: 河海大学 西康路校区 科学馆 1209B

通讯地址: 江苏省南京市鼓楼区西康路1号

邮编: 210098

10 访问




  • 姓名: 司晶晶
  • 性别:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 出生年月: 1986-02-24 00:00:00.0
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 西安交通大学


  • 2005.09-2009.07,西安交通大学,应用化学,理学学士
  • 2009.09-2014.09,西安交通大学,化学工程与技术,工学博士


  • 2014.09.01-2016.09.01,复旦大学高分子科学系,高分子材料研发
  • 2016.10.01-2021.01.01,河海大学土木与交通学院,路面材料研发




  • 1、钢桥面防水粘结层用二阶反应环氧树脂固化行为和机理研究,2017.07.01 00:00:00+00-2020.06.30 00:00:00+00,司晶晶,江苏省科学技术厅,土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院
  • 2、超支化氧化石墨烯增韧冷拌环氧沥青及韧性衰减机理研究,2020.10.10-2023.12.31,2021-01-01,司晶晶,国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,土木与交通学院,5200081553


  • 1、UV aging behavior and mechanism of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt,Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology,SCI,2023,Jiang, Ziqi ,Si Jingjing*,Zhang, Mingzhen
  • 2、Exploiting graphene oxide as a potential additive to improve the performance of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt binder,Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology,SCI,2023,Si Jingjing,Shao Xiaoyang,Li Jie,Ma Hui, Wang Junyan*, Ruan Wei, Yu Xin*,29, 3: 482-492
  • 3、Enhancing the compatibility of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt binder via graphene oxide grafted plant oil-based materials,Journal of cleaner production,SCI,2023,Wang Junyan,Si Jingjing*,Yu Xin*,Jiang Ziqi, Zhang Mingzhen, Ding Gongying, Huang Jiale,418: 128209
  • 4、Dynamic mechanical behavior of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt under high strain rates,Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering,SCI,2023,Wang Junyan,Yu Xin,Ding, Gongying,Si Jingjing*, Zhang Mingzhen, Jiang Ziqi, 35, 5: 04023068
  • 5、Enhanced mechanical performances of epoxy asphalt adhesives modified by graphene oxide,Road Materials and Pavement Design,SCI,2023,Si Jingjing,Wang Junyan*,Li Yang,Ma Junfei, Ruan Wei, Yu Xin*, Jiang Ruiling,24,4,1050-1064
  • 6、Influence of thermal-oxidative aging on the mechanical performance and structure of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt,Journal of cleaner production,SCI,2022,Si Jingjing,Wang Junyan*,Yu Xin*,Ding Gongying, Ruan Wei, Xing Miaomiao, Xie Renxuan,337: 130482
  • 7、Strength and toughness attenuation mechanism of biobased cold-mixed epoxy asphalt under freeze-thaw cycles,International Journal of Pavement Engineering,SCI,2022,Wang Junyan,Yu Xin,Ding Gongying,Si Jingjing*, Xing Miaomiao, Xie Renxuan,DOI10.1080/10298436.2022.2075553
  • 8、Influence of epoxy soybean oil modified nano-silica on the compatibility of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt,Materials and Structures,SCI,2021,Ding, Gongying,Yu Xin,Si Jingjing*,Mei Jie, Wang Junyan, Chen Bei,54,1: 16
  • 9、Influence of asphalt solvents on the rheological and mechanical properties of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt,Construction and Building Materials,SCI,2021,Wang Junyan,Yu Xin*,Ding Gongying,Si Jingjing*, Ruan Wei, Zou Xiaoyong,310: 125245
  • 10、Improving the compatibility of cold-mixed epoxy asphalt based on the epoxidized soybean oil,Construction and Building Materials,SCI,2020,Si Jingjing*,Li Yang,Wang Junyan,Niyigena Arsene Rodrigue, Yu Xin*, Jiang Ruiling,243: 118235
  • 11、Research on compatibility mechanism of biobased cold-mixed epoxy asphalt binder,Construction and Building Materials,SCI,2020,Yu Xin,Wang Junyan,Si Jingjing*,Mei Jie, Ding Gongying, Li Jibing,250: 118868
  • 12、Curing behavior and mechanical properties of an eco-friendly cold-mixed epoxy asphalt,Materials and Structures ,SCI,2019,Si Jingjing,Li Yang,Yu Xin*,52,4: 81
  • 13、Influence of base asphalt aging levels on the foaming characteristics and rheological properties of foamed asphalt,Construction and Building Materials,SCI,2018,Dong Fuqiang,Yu Xin*,Wang Tianyu,Yin Long, Li Ning, Si Jingjing, Li Jia,177: 43-50
  • 14、Comparative analysis of cold-mixed epoxy and epoxy SBS-modified asphalts: Curing rheology, thermal, and mechanical properties,Construction and Building Materials,SCI,2018,Si Jingjing,Jia Zhaoxia,Wang Junyan,Yu Xin*, Li Yang, Dong Fuqiang, Jiang Ruiling,176: 165-171
  • 15、Influence of antistatic agent encapsulated into functionalized mesoporous silica on antistatic properties of polystyrene,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS AND POLYMERIC BIOMATERIALS,SCI ,2018,Si Jingjing,Tang Ping*,67, 12: 745-753
  • 16、水性道路标线性能衰减规律研究,森林工程,中文核心期刊论文,2023,吴闻秀,张明真,骆晓凌,邹晓勇, 卢建洪, 刘倞, 司晶晶*,39,04:155-159
  • 17、树脂对双组份标线涂料力学性能的影响研究,合成材料老化与应用,中文核心期刊论文,2022.02,邹晓勇,邢苗苗,陈书霞,王俊彦, 司晶晶*, 吴闻秀,51,01: 24-26
  • 18、热熔型标线涂料紫外老化性能影响因素研究,武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版),中文核心期刊论文,2022,胡健,姜子琦,邢苗苗,李洋, 丁功瀛, 王俊彦, 司晶晶*,51,05: 5-7
  • 19、抗UV剂对双组份标线涂料耐久性的影响研究,合成材料老化与应用,中文核心期刊论文,2021.12,司晶晶*,邢苗苗,王俊彦,陈书霞, 邹晓勇, 吴闻秀,50,06: 31-33


  • 1、一种高韧性冷拌环氧沥青粘结剂及其制备方法,2017-07-04,土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院,发明,3


  • 1、新型路面结构与材料,本科生,32学时
  • 2、科技论文写作与指导,研究生,16学时


(1)     全国大学生交通科技大赛 一等奖2023

(2)     全国大学生交通科技大赛 二等奖2022

(3)     第八届江苏大学生交通科技大赛 三等奖2023

(4)     第七届江苏大学生交通科技大赛 二等奖2022

(5)     河海大学土木与交通学院第十一届我最喜爱的班导师2023

(6)     河海大学优秀毕业设计(论文)指导教师(2018

(7)     第三届江苏大学生交通科技大赛 二等奖(2018




  • 1、2018年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_二等奖(省、部委级),土木与交通学院党委、土木与交通学院,2018-12-01,省、部委级,二等奖

