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叶秋波职称: 教授 部门: 信息科学与工程学院党委、信息科学与工程学院 学科: 信息与通信工程,电子信息 教学部门: 电话: 邮件: qbye@hhu.edu.cn 办公地址: 常州新校区 20号楼320 通讯地址: 江苏省常州市金坛区河海大道1915号 邮编: 213200 |
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个人简介叶秋波,博士/教授,博导,硕导,先后在合肥工业大学、华北电力大学、曼尼托巴大学(加拿大)获得学士、硕士、博士学位,他在北美生活了二十多年,担任过工程师、科学家、项目负责人、教授及博导,是学院引进的高层次人才,获得了国家特聘专家、福建省“百人计划”、厦门市“双百人才”称号。他发表学术论著一百二十多篇,当选为2016年国际电气和电子工程师协会国际电磁兼容大会主席,国际科技发展协会(IASTED)2011国际无线通信会议主席,获得国际电气和电子工程师协会2013年渥太华分会杰出工程师奖。主要研究领域包括电磁场理论及应用、天线设计、人工智能在通信工程中的应用、电机设计及控制、电磁兼容等。 个人资料
研究领域目前主要从事如下三个方向的研究,所取得的成果简介如下。 一、天线及阵列设计新技术。提出基于介质集成波导馈电网络结合准平面金属磁电偶极子辐射结构的高效率、高增益、宽带毫米波天线阵列设计方法,以及基于低成本PCB介质集成空腔波导馈电网络的高性能毫米波天线阵列设计方法。对于多输入多输出天线,提出并设计了新颖的电磁带隙结构、寄生单元结构来消除耦合,并运用人工神经网络与遗传算法相结合的方法对天线去耦结构的几何参数进行优化。已发表的部分论文如下: [1] Jun Xiao, Jin Tian, Tongyu Ding, Chongzhi Han, Kai-Da Xu, andQiubo Ye, A high-gain circularly polarized magnetoelectric dipole antenna array with metallic radiating structure for millimeter-wave applications, Materials & Design 242 (2024) 112983 [2] Yitao Liu, Jin Tian, Jun Xiao, Sima Noghanian, and Qiubo Ye, “An intelligent design method of antennas based on A2C algorithm and convolutional neural networks,”投稿中 [3] Yitao Liu, Ping Chen, Jin Tian, Jun Xiao, Sima Noghanian, and Qiubo Ye, “Hybrid ANN-GA optimization method for minimizing the coupling in MIMO antennas,” AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, Volume 175, February 2024, 155068. [4] Zihang Ye, Jin Tian, Jun Xiao, Tongyu Ding, Chongzhi Han, and Qiubo Ye, “A high gain circularly polarised magnetoelectric dipole antenna array with metallic radiating structures for millimetre-wave applications,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Dec. 2023 (early view), https://doi.org/10.1049/mia2.12443. [5] J. Xiao, J. Tian, T. Y. Ding, H. M. Li and Q. Ye, Broadband Circularly Polarized Conical Corrugated Horn Antenna Using a Dielectric Circular Polarizer,Micromachines. 2022. 13(12). pp: 2138. [6] Y. Liu, Z. Yang, P. Chen, J. Xiao and Qiubo Ye, Isolation Enhancement of a Two-Monopole MIMO Antenna Array with Various Parasitic Elements for Sub-6 GHz Applications, Micromachines 2022. 13(12). pp: 2123. [7] Jun Xiao, Geer Teni, Hongmei Li, Tongyu Ding, and Qiubo Ye, “A Dual-Polarized Horn Antenna Covering Full Ka-Band Using Turnstile OMT,” Frontiers in Physics, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2022.880606. [8] Jun Xiao, Hongmei Li, Delin Luo, Hui Jin, Tongyu Ding, and Qiubo Ye, “High-gain and low-cost circularly polarized antenna array for 5G MMW applications,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Jan. 2022, DOI: 10.1049/mia2.12230. [9] Jun Xiao, Tongyu Ding, Delin Luo, and Qiubo Ye, “Circularly Polarized Antenna Array Using Metallic Slanted Cross Slot for 5G MMW Applications,” Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Jan. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10762-021-00837-z [10] Weiwen Li, Guang Yang, Qiuhao Li, Yanhui Liu, Qiubo Ye, and Qing Huo Liu, “Wideband Circularly Polarized Antenna Based on Ring Traveling Wave,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 69, No. 6, Jun. 2021. [11] Zhuo Yang, Jun Xiao, and Qiubo Ye, “Enhancing MIMO Antenna Isolation Characteristic by Manipulating the Propagation of Surface Wave,” IEEE Access, Vol. 8, 2020 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3004467.
二、人工智能无线通信信号识别。利用多种人工智能技术来进行无线电信号调制方式的识别,提高了识别精度,比较了各种方法的优劣,而且写出了一篇比较全面的综述论文,推广到图像识别领域。已发表论文如下: [12] E. Chen, T. Ye, J. Jiang, L. Tong, and Q. Ye, Efficient Re-Parameterization Residual Attention Network for Nonhomogeneous Image Dehazing, Applied Sciences, 2023. 13(6). pp:3739. [13] T. Wang, G. Yang, P. Chen, Z. Xu, M. Jiang, and Q. Ye, A Survey of Applications of Deep Learning in Radio Signal Modulation Recognition, Applied Sciences, 2022. 12(23):12052. [14] X. Hao, Z. Xia, M. Jiang, Q. Ye, and G. Yang, Radio Signal Modulation Recognition Method Based on Deep Learning Model Pruning, Appl. Sci.2022,12, 9894. [15] Y. Li, S. Sun, C. Zhang, G. Yang, Q. Ye, One-Stage Disease Detection Method for Maize Leaf Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion,Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7960. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12167960. [16] Xinyu Hao, Yu Luo, Qiubo Ye, Qi He, Guangsong Yang, and Chin-Cheng Chen, Automatic Modulation Recognition Method Based on Hybrid Model of Convolutional Neural Networks and Gated Recurrent Units, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 33, 2021, https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM.2021.3456. [17] Zihang Lei, Mengxi Jiang, Guangsong Yang, Tianmin Guan, Peng Huang, Yu Gu, Zhenghua Xu, and Qiubo Ye, Towards Recurrent Neural Network with Multi-path Features Fusion for Signal Modulation Recognition, Wireless Networks 28, 551–565 (2021). [18] Chaoyang Chen, Qi He, Qiubo Ye, Guangsong Yang, and Cheng-Fu Yang, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Method Based on Improved Cubature Kalman Filter, Sensors and Materials, Vol. 33, No. 8 (2021) 2591–2606. [19] Xiaosong Xie, Guangsong Yang, Mengxi Jiang, Qiubo Ye, and Chen-Fu Yang, A Kind of Wireless Modulation Recognition Method Based on DenseNet and BLSTM, IEEE Access, Sept. 2021, DOI 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3111406. [20] Chih-Cheng Chen, Zhen Liu, Guangsong Yang, Chia-Chun Wu, and Qiubo Ye, “An Improved Fault Diagnosis Using 1D-Convolutional Neural Network Model,” Electronics 2021, 10, 59. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10010059.
三、球形电机的仿真、设计及控制。合作研究球形电机磁场和力矩建模新方法、基于无线功率传输模型的多自由度电机位置估计精确方法、基于人工智能新模型的减小球形电机转矩脉动的方法,相关论文发表如下: [21] Qiyue Han, Qunjing Wang, Guoli Li, Zhe Qian, Wenzhe Deng, Zehui Sun, Yan Wen, and Qiubo Ye, “Effect of Hall Errors on Current and Rotor Position of Robot Joint Motors,” IEEE Sensors Journal, May. 2024. [22] Shihao Gao, Qunjing Wang, Guoli Li, Zhe Qian, Qiubo Ye, Qian Zhang, and Zheng Li, Novel Design of Multi-DOF Motor Position Estimation Based on Wireless Power Transmission Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 71, Issue 3, Mar. 2024, Page(s): 2853 – 2863. [23] Zhe Qian, Tianchao Huang, Qunjing Wang, Wenzhe Deng, Qixu Chen, Zehui Sun, and Qiubo Ye, Torque Ripple Reduction of PMSM Based on Modified DBN-DNN Surrogate Model, IEEE Trans on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 9, No. 2, June 2023. [24] Mingfeng Shi, Qunjing Wang, Guoli Li, Rui Zhou, Yongbin Liu, and Qiubo Ye, A New Rotor Position Estimation Method for Spherical Reluctance Motor Based on Inductance Characteristics Obtained from Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 72, 2023. [25] Mingfeng Shi, Qunjing Wang, Guoli Li, Jiazi Xu, Qiyue Han, and Qiubo Ye, A New Adaptive Analytical Model for the Spherical Reluctance Motor Based on Hybrid Trigonometric Function–Power Function, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 70, No. 6, June 2023. [26] Shihao Gao, Qunjing Wang, Guoli Li, Zhe Qian, Qiubo Ye, Sili Zhou and Zheng Li, Spherical motor position detection method based on accurate modeling of wireless power transmission, IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 70, No. 3, Mar. 2023, Page(s): 2855 – 2864. [27] Shihao Gao,Qunjing Wang,Guoli Li,Zhe Qian,Qiubo YeandZheng Li, “Attitude measurement of multi-DOF actuator based on multiple-inputs and single-output WPT system modeling,” Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 33, No. 8, May 2022. [28] Shihao Gao, Qunjing Wang, Guoli Li, Zhe Qian, Qiubo Ye, Zongchen Lu, and Zheng Li, Spherical actuator attitude measurement method based on multi-to-one WPT modeling, Measurement, Vol. 197, 2022. [29] Sili Zhou, Guoli Li, Qunjing Wang, Jiazi Xu, Qiubo Ye, and Shihao Gao, “Rotor Attitude Estimation for Spherical Motors Using Multi-Object Kalman KCF Algorithm in Monocular Vision,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, DOI 10.1109/TIE.2022.3148733. [30] Sili Zhou, Guoli Li, Qunjing Wang, Rui Zhou, Zhe Qian, Jiazi Xu, and Qiubo Ye, Geometrical Equivalence Principle Based Modeling and Analysis for Monolayer Halbach Array Spherical Motor with Cubic Permanent Magnets, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Vol. 36, No. 4, Dec. 2021. 科研项目论文科技成果开授课程教学成果教学资源社会职务(1) 国际天线与传播杂志特刊主编(Lead Editor, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue Antenna Design and New Techniques for Sub-6GHz, Millimeter-wave and THz Applications, July 1, 2023)。 (2) 中国国际通信会议(ICCC)技术委员会(TPC)成员2021。 (3) 厦门市海洋专家组成员(2020起)。 (4) 集美大学学报(自然科学版)编辑(2020起)。 (5) 安徽省工业节电与用电安全重点实验室学术委员会委员(2020起)。 (6) NEMO2020会议技术委员会共同主席(TPC co-chair)。 (7) 第四届国际电子信息技术和计算机工程会议(the 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering, EITCE)主题发言人(2020)。 (8) APCAP 2020亚太天线和传播会议出版主席( Publication Chair)、2022 Local Committee Co-Chair。 (9) 第一届广东省电机工程学会电力装备智能制造专业委员会特聘专家(2019)。 (10) 第三届国际电子信息技术和计算机工程会议共同主席及主题发言人(2019)。 (11) 电气和电子工程师协会2016高级会员申请评估专家组评审专家。 (12) 电气和电子工程师协会电磁兼容学会电磁兼容标准教育和训练委员会(EMC Standards Education and Training Committee)主席, 2006-2012。 (13) IEEE渥太华天线与传播/微波理论与技术联合会(AP/MTT joint chapter)主席,2005-2012。 (14) IEEE渥太华电磁兼容分会(EMC Chapter)副主席,2010-2023。 荣誉及奖励招生信息1.信息与通信工程博士生和硕士生 2.电子信息硕士生 3.电子科学与技术硕士生 欢迎有意向的同学联系,电邮qbye@hhu.edu.cn |