

职称: 教授

部门: 地理与遥感学院

学科: 水利工程

教学部门: 地理与遥感学院党委、地理与遥感学院


邮件: yangxl@hhu.edu.cn

办公地址: 力材楼301



10 访问



主要从事气候变化、人类活动对陆面水文过程及其极端事件(干旱、洪涝)的影响相关研究。研究兴趣包括多源时空数据和分布式水文模型的融合、极端水文事件驱动机制识别与未来趋势模拟预估、全球气候模式降尺度等。主持国家自然科学基金3项、中央高效基金2项、留学回国基金1项;参与黄河联合基金、十三五重点研发、973项目、国家发改委/科技部中国清洁发展机制基金等10余项。参与的科研成果获得教育部自然科学一等奖和二等奖各1项,参与的教学成果获国省级一等奖1长期担任Water Resources ResearchJournal of HydrologyJournal of Hydrometeorology 等高水平期刊审稿人,发表高质量论文80多篇。曾在普林斯顿大学土木工程专业、内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校地理科学、卡尔加里大学遥感学院进行访问交流。









  • 姓名: 杨肖丽
  • 性别:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 出生年月: 1976-12-25 00:00:00.0
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 河海大学


  • 2004.9-2010.4,河海大学,水文学及水资源,博士
  • 1996-2000,河北师范大学,地理教育,学士
  • 2000-2003,南京师范大学,地图学与地理信息系统,硕士


  • 2011.07-2012.02,内华达州立大学拉斯维加斯分校,科研,访问学者
  • 2003.06-,河海大学水文院,讲师
  • 2012.09-2013.09,普林斯顿大学,科研,访问学者
  • 2013.5-2020.4,河海大学,教学科研,副教授
  • 2016-2017,卡尔加里大学,遥感应用,访问学者
  • 2020-,河海大学,教学科研,教授




  • 1、耦合能量平衡的分布式水文模型构建及半干旱区LUCC水文响应机理研究,2013.01.01-2015.12.31,国家自然科学基金委,水文水资源学院
  • 2、半干旱区土地覆被变化水文响应分析与模拟研究——以老哈河流域为例,-2014.02.03,水文水资源学院
  • 3、基于统计降尺度方法的气候变化水文响应机理研究,2015.07.01-,教育部国际合作与交流司,水文水资源学院
  • 4、气候变化背景下黄河流域干旱情景预估与响应机制研究,2016.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委员会,水文水资源学院
  • 5、多变量综合干旱指数与分布式水文模型耦合的应用基础研究,2015.09.01-2017.09.30,水文水资源学院
  • 6、江西省2014年度山洪灾害防治项目不同区域山洪灾害特点分析,2015.07.20-2015.12.13,江西省山洪灾害防治项目建设办公室,水文水资源学院
  • 7、全球变化背景下陆地水文极端事件演变及趋势预测,2016.07.01-,中国水利水电科学研究院,水文水资源学院
  • 8、江西省2016年度山洪灾害防治项目山洪灾害调查评价成果检验率定复核项目,2017.02.14-,江西省山洪灾害防治项目建设办公室,地球科学与工程学院
  • 9、长三角地区应对极端气候事件技术体系与响应机制研究,2016.02.01-,中国清洁发展机制基金管理中心,水文水资源学院
  • 10、基于瞬态可变阈值法的黄河流域水文干旱驱动机制与过程识别研究,2020-2024,2020,杨肖丽,国家自然基金委面上项目


  • 1、Impacts of land use and land cover changes on evapotranspiration and runoff at Shalamulun River watershed, China,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,01-JAN-12
  • 2、Comprehensive evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products with a dense rain gauge network and optimally merging their simulated hydrological flows using the Bayesian model averaging method,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-12
  • 3、Predicting runoff changes in the Jiahe River basin associated with future climate change scenarios,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-12
  • 4、Soil moisture estimation using MODIS data over the head water of West Liaohe Basin, China,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-12
  • 5、The impact of land use and land cover changes on runoff in a semi-arid River basin,IAHS-AISH Publication,01-JAN-12
  • 6、Estimation of daily actual evapotranspiration from ETM+ and MODIS data of the headwaters of the West Liaohe basin in the semiarid regions of China,Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,01-JAN-13
  • 7、气候变化和人类活动对老哈河流域径流的影响,水资源保护,01-JAN-11
  • 8、西辽河源头流域径流变化趋势及影响因素分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),01-JAN-12
  • 9、利用SEBAL模型沙拉沐沦河流域蒸散发的分析研究,干旱区研究,01-JAN-10
  • 10、基于SEBAL模型的老哈河流域蒸散发研究,水电能源科学,01-JAN-10
  • 11、Evaluation of high-resolution satellite precipitation products with surface rain gauge observations from Laohahe Basin in northern China,Water Science and Engineering,01-JAN-10
  • 12、Quantifying the effects of climate variability and human activities on runoff from the Laohahe basin in northern China using three different methods.,Hydrological Processes,01-JAN-11
  • 13、基于RS/GIS的沙拉沐沦河流域蒸散发研究,中国地理学会百年庆典学术论文摘要集,01-JAN-09
  • 14、Improvement of multi-satellite real-time precipitation products for ensemble streamflow simulation in a middle latitude basin in South China,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,30-APR-14
  • 15、TRMM卫星降水数据在洣水流域径流模拟中的应用,水科学进展,01-SEP-14
  • 16、Multi-model ensemble hydrologic prediction and uncertainties analysis,IAHS Publ. 364,01-JUN-14
  • 17、Hydrological response to land use and land cover changes in a sub-watershed of West Liaohe River Basin, China,JOURNAL OF ARID LAND,01-JAN-14
  • 18、Where does blue water go in the semi-arid area of northern China under changing environments?,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,01-JAN-14
  • 19、New variants of the Palmer drought scheme capable of integrated utility,Journal of Hydrology,07-NOV-14
  • 20、Hydrological evaluation of the TRMM multi-satellite precipitation estimates over the Mishui basin,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,30-SEP-14
  • 21、A New Physically Based Self-Calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index and its Performance Evaluation,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-15
  • 22、Contrasting influences of human activities on hydrological drought regimes over China based on high resolution simulations,Water Resources Research,SCI,2020.5,Yang Xiaoli,河海大学,Zhang Mnegru,He Xiaogang,Ren Liliang,河海大学,56
  • 23、Quantifying multi-source uncertainties in multi-model predictions using the Bayesian model averaging scheme,Hydrology Research,01-SEP-18
  • 24、Statistical and Hydrological Evaluation of the Latest Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) over a Midlatitude Humid Basin in South China,Atmospheric Research,01-DEC-18
  • 25、On the mechanisms of two composite methods for construction of multivariate drought indices,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,01-JAN-19
  • 26、基于CMIP5和VIC模型的长江上游主要水文过程变化趋势预测,水文,25-DEC-18
  • 27、长江上游气温、降水和干旱的变化趋势研究,人民长江,28-OCT-17
  • 28、Estimating the response of hydrological regimes to future projections of precipitation and temperature over the upper Yangtze River,ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,01-JAN-19
  • 29、Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Drought Events in China Using the Severity-Area-Duration Method,WATER,01-JAN-20
  • 30、基于RVA 法和PCA 法评估三座店水库 对下游径流的影响,中国农村水利水电,01-AUG-20
  • 31、Impacts of land use and land cover changes on evapotranspiration and runoff at Shalamulun River watershed, China,HYDROLOGY RESEARCH,2012-01-01
  • 32、Comprehensive evaluation of multi-satellite precipitation products with a dense rain gauge network and optimally merging their simulated hydrological flows using the Bayesian model averaging method,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2012-01-01
  • 33、Predicting runoff changes in the Jiahe River basin associated with future climate change scenarios,IAHS-AISH Publication,2012-01-01
  • 34、气候变化和人类活动对老哈河流域径流的影响,水资源保护,2011-01-01
  • 35、TRMM卫星降水数据在洣水流域径流模拟中的应用,水科学进展,2014-09-01
  • 36、Hydrological response to land use and land cover changes in a sub-watershed of West Liaohe River Basin, China,JOURNAL OF ARID LAND,2014-01-01
  • 37、Where does blue water go in the semi-arid area of northern China under changing environments?,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,2014-01-01
  • 38、New variants of the Palmer drought scheme capable of integrated utility,Journal of Hydrology,2014-11-07
  • 39、Hydrologic model-based Palmer indices for drought characterization in the Yellow River basin, China,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,2015-01-01
  • 40、Spatio-temporal variation of surface soil moisture over the Yellow River basin during 1961-2012,IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports,2015-01-01
  • 41、Evaluation of Latest TMPA and CMORPH Precipitation Products with Independent Rain Gauge Observation Networks over High-latitude and Low-latitude Basins in China,Chinese Geographical Science,2016-06-30
  • 42、Possible Future Climate Change Impacts on the Hydrological Drought Events in the Weihe River Basin, China,Advances in Meteorology,2016-01-01
  • 43、A multiscalar Palmer drought severity index,GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS,2017-01-01
  • 44、Evaluation on uncertainty sources in projecting hydrological changes over the Xijiang River basin in South China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2017-01-01
  • 45、基于贝叶斯模型平均的水文模型不确定性及集合模拟,中国农村水利水电,2017-02-01
  • 46、Statistical and hydrological evaluation of the latest Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) over a midlatitude humid basin in South China,ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH,2018-01-01
  • 47、Bias Correction of Historical and Future Simulations of Precipitation and Temperature for China from CMIP5 Models,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,2018-01-01
  • 48、Quantifying multi-source uncertainties in multi-model predictions using the Bayesian model averaging scheme,Hydrology Research,2018-01-01
  • 49、Potential impact of climate change to the future streamflow of Yellow River Basin based on CMIP5 data,Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,2018-01-01
  • 50、Estimating the response of hydrological regimes to future projections of precipitation and temperature over the upper Yangtze River,Atmospheric Research,2019-01-01
  • 51、Merging ground and satellite-based precipitation data sets for improved hydrological simulations in the Xijiang River basin of China,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2019-01-01
  • 52、Understanding the Spatiotemporal Links Between Meteorological and Hydrological Droughts From a Three-Dimensional Perspective,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES,2019-01-01
  • 53、Projected Effects of Climate Change on Future Hydrological Regimes in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China,ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY,2019-01-01
  • 54、Evaluation of hydrological utility of IMERG Final run V05 and TMPA 3B42V7 satellite precipitation products in the Yellow River source region, China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2018-01-01
  • 55、Drought Monitoring and Evaluation by ESA CCI Soil Moisture Products Over the Yellow River Basin,IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING,2019-01-01
  • 56、On the mechanisms of two composite methods for construction of multivariate drought indices,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2019-01-01
  • 57、Hydrological response to land use changes in semi-arid region, China.,IAHS Publication Red book 359,2014-07-01
  • 58、Drought assessment and trends analysis from 20th century to 21st century over China,Proc. IAHS, 371,,2015-07-01
  • 59、基于统计降尺度和SPI的黄河流域干旱预测,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2017-09-25
  • 60、基于CMIP5和VIC模型的长江上游主要水文过程变化趋势预测,水文,2018-12-25
  • 61、长江上游气温、降水和干旱的变化趋势研究,人民长江,2017-10-28
  • 62、板桥水库电站增效扩容改造及方案评价,水资源与水工程学报,2017-10-15
  • 63、基于统计降尺度的长江上游流域降水和气温的时空变化趋势研究,中国农村水利水电,2017-09-15
  • 64、基于CMIP5多模式集合和PDSI的黄河源区干旱时空特征分析 ,水资源保护,2019-11-20
  • 65、A multiscalar Palmer drought severity index,Geophysical Research Letters,2017-07-06
  • 66、Evolution of hydrological drought in human disturbed areas: a case study in the Laohahe catchment, Northern China,Advances in Meteorology,2016-01-10
  • 67、An insight into the Palmer drought mechanism based indices: comprehensive comparison of their strengths and limitations,Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment,2015-02-14
  • 68、A new physically based self-calibrating Palmer drought severity index and its performance evaluation,Water resources management,2015-08-09
  • 69、Sensitivity analysis of standardization procedures in drought indices to varied input data selections,Journal of Hydrology,2016-05-11
  • 70、The Optimal Multimodel Ensemble of Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Climate Models over China,Journal of Hydrometeorology.,2020-01-13
  • 71、基于RVA 法和PCA 法评估三座店水库 对下游径流的影响,中国农村水利水电,2020-08-01
  • 72、Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Drought Events in China Using the Severity-Area-Duration Method,WATER,2020-01-01
  • 73、Contrasting Influences of Human Activities on Hydrological Drought Regimes Over China Based on High-Resolution Simulations,WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH,2020-01-01
  • 74、Two Different Methods for Flash Drought Identification: Comparison of Their Strengths and Limitations,JOURNAL OF HYDROMETEOROLOGY,2020-01-01
  • 75、The Development of a Nonstationary Standardised Streamflow Index Using Climate and Reservoir Indices as Covariates,Water Resources Management,2022-03-01
  • 76、Spatiotemporal changes of terrestrial water storage and possible causes in the closed Qaidam Basin, China using GRACE and GRACE Follow-On data,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-07-01
  • 77、Separating the effects of climate change and human activities on drought propagation via a natural and human-impacted catchment comparison method,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-12-01
  • 78、The Development of a Nonstationary Standardised Streamflow Index Using Climate and Reservoir Indices as Covariates,WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT,2022-03-01
  • 79、Dynamic multi-dimensional identification of Yunnan droughts and its seasonal scale linkages to the El Nin?o-Southern Oscillation,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES,2022-08-01
  • 80、Analysis of flash droughts in China using machine learning,HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,2022-06-24
  • 81、基于SBM-GWR模型的中国省际用水效率及其影响因素分析,水电能源科学,2022-05-20
  • 82、中部地区水资源利用与经济社会发展关系研究,中国农村水利水电,2022-01-01
  • 83、赣江流域气候和土地利用变化对蓝绿水的影响,水资源保护,2022-01-01
  • 84、Contrasting influences of human activities on hydrological drought regimes over China based on high‐resolution simulations.,Water Resources Research,SCI,2020,Xiaoli Yang,Hohai Umiversity,Mengru Zhang,Xiaogang He,Liliang Ren,Hohai Umiversity
  • 85、The Optimal Multimodel Ensemble of Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Climate Models over China,Journal of Hydrometeorology,SCI,2020,Xiali Yang,Hohai University,Xiaohan Yu,Yuqian Wang,Liliang Ren,Hohaii University, 21 (4)
  • 86、 Bias Correction of Historical and Future Simulations of Precipitation and Temperature for China from CMIP5 Models,Journal of Hydrometeorology,SCI,2018,Xiaoli Yang,Hohai University,E. F. Wood,J. Sheffield,Liliang Ren,Hohai University
  • 87、Estimating the response of hydrological regimes to future projections of precipitation and temperature over the upper Yangtze River,Atmospheric Research,SCI,2019,Yang Xiaoli,Hohai University,Yu Xiaohan,Wang Yuqian,Ren Liliang,Hohai University
  • 88、Projected Effects of Climate Change on Future Hydrological Regimes in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China,Advances in Meteorology,SCI,2019,Wang Yuqian,Hohai University,Yang Xiaoli, Zhang Mengru,Yang Xiaoli,Yang Xiaoli



  • 1、地理信息系统应用,本科生,40,40
  • 2、地理信息系统原理及应用,本科生,32,32
  • 3、地理信息系统实习,本科生,32,0
  • 4、地理信息系统与遥感应用,本科生,132,40
  • 5、地理信息系统与遥感应用实习,本科生,26,0
  • 6、地理信息系统原理及应用,本科生,32,24
  • 7、地理信息系统原理及应用,本科生,32,36
  • 8、地理信息系统实习,本科生,32,0
  • 9、地理信息系统与遥感应用,本科生,127,40
  • 10、地理信息系统与遥感应用实习,本科生,126,0
  • 11、地理信息系统原理及应用,本科生,36,12
  • 12、地理信息系统原理及应用,本科生,36,36
  • 13、地理信息系统实习,本科生,36,0
  • 14、地理信息系统与遥感应用,本科生,121,40
  • 15、地理信息系统与遥感应用实习,本科生,121,0





  • 1、2014年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_一等奖(省、部级),水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,2014-12-01,省、部级,一等奖
  • 2、2018年度高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)_二等奖(省、部级),水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,2018-12-01,省、部级,二等奖


