

职称: 教授

部门: 水科学研究院、水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室、水资源高效利用与工程安全国家工程研究中心、长江保护与绿色发展研究院、水安全与水科学省部共建协同创新中心(挂靠)、全球变化与水循环国际合作联合实验室(挂靠)

学科: 水利工程

教学部门: 水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院

电话: 025-83772092

邮件: kzhang@hhu.edu.cn

办公地址: 信息馆408

通讯地址: 南京市西康路1号

邮编: 210098

10 访问


张珂,男,河海大学教授、博士生导师,现任长江保护与绿色发展研究院副院长、中国气象局-河海大学水文气象研究联合实验室主任。国家高层次人才青年项目入选者、江苏省杰出青年基金获得者、江苏省“双创计划”双创人才、江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才、江苏省“333 高层次人才培养工程中青年科学技术带头人、南京科技顶尖专家集聚计划人才。一直从事水文学及水资源、遥感水文、水文气象和生态水文领域的教学和科研工作,先后在美国University of Montana、美国Harvard University和美国University of Oklahoma担任博士后研究员、副研究员和研究员,在美国求学和工作超过10年。在水旱灾害形成机理、监控与预测预报、水文过程卫星遥感算法及应用、陆气耦合机理与模拟、全球气候变化和人类活动对陆地生态水文过程的影响等方面有所建树。发表学术论文130余篇,包括在NatureNature Climate ChangePNASGlobal Change BiologyWater Resources Research等地球科学、水文水资源领域主流刊物发表SCI论文100篇,授权发明专利和软著30项。主持包括国家重点研发项目课题、国家自然科学基金委面上项目在内的国家和省部级项目20项。现任Journal of HydrologyEnvironmental Modelling & SoftwareHydrology ResearchAdvances in Atmospheric SciencesWater Science and Engineering等著名国际期刊副主编/编委,2020年当选国际环境建模与软件协会(iEMSs)秘书长,国际水文科学协会(IAHS)中国委员会委员等。主持成果获得大禹水利科学技术奖科技进步奖一等奖和中国科技产业化促进会科技创新个人贡献奖,荣获中国水利学会刘光文青年科技奖和第九届全国优秀青年气象科技工作者等荣誉


  • 姓名: 张珂
  • 性别:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 出生年月: 1979-12-28 00:00:00.0
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 毕业院校: 美国蒙大拿大学/University of Montana


  • 1998.09-2002.07,河海大学,水文与水资源利用,工学学士
  • 2002.09-2005.07,河海大学,水文学及水资源,工学硕士
  • 2005.08-2009.05,美国蒙大拿大学(University of Montana),生态水文学,博士


  • 2009.06-2010.05,University of Montana,遥感水文学,博士后
  • 2010.06-2011.12,Harvard University,生态水文学,博士后
  • 2012.01-2014.03,Harvard University,生态水文学,副研究员
  • 2014.04-2015.05,University of Oklahoma,水灾害预报预警,研究员
  • 2015.06-至今,河海大学,水文水资源,教授、博士生导师




  • 1、陆地水文生态过程对环境空间变异性响应的模拟技术,2015.05.01 00:00:00+00-2017.05.01 00:00:00+00,张珂,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 2、“青年千人计划”引进人才科研启动基金(张珂)(2016-2018年),2016.01.01 00:00:00+00-2016.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,教育部财务司,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 3、“青年千人计划”引进人才科研启动基金(张珂)-2016,2016.01.01-,教育部财务司,水文水资源学院
  • 4、土壤湿度遥感反演系统开发,2016.08.17 00:00:00+00-2017.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,清华大学,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 5、多源水文大数据融合同化新方法,2016.07.01 00:00:00+00-2020.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,清华大学,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 6、基于最大熵产和彭曼理论的混合遥感反演模型研究,2016.12.01 00:00:00+00-2019.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,水文水资源与水利工程国家重点实验室,水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室
  • 7、“青年千人计划”引进人才科研启动基金(张珂)-2017,2016.01.01-,国家自然科学基金委,水文水资源学院
  • 8、“青年千人计划”引进人才科研启动基金(张珂)(2018年),2016.01.01-,教育部财务司,水文水资源学院
  • 9、典型湿润山丘区异质下垫面下生态水文过程耦合机理与模拟,2019.01.01 00:00:00+00-2022.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,国家自然科学基金委员会,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 10、多源遥感与大数据技术驱动的水灾害预报研究,2018.07.01 00:00:00+00-2021.06.30 00:00:00+00,张珂,江苏省科学技术厅,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 11、下垫面变化条件下三河源水资源潜力评估研究,2018.01.01 00:00:00+00-2021.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,宁夏大学,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 12、下垫面变化条件下三河源水资源潜力评估研究,2018.01.01-,宁夏大学,水文水资源学院
  • 13、洪水-滑坡链式灾害耦合模拟预报研究,2018.01.01 00:00:00+00-2019.12.31 00:00:00+00,张珂,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 14、精细化、智能化水文预报关键技术研究,2018.12.07-,江苏省水文水资源勘测局,水文水资源学院
  • 15、不同水文气象分区和下垫面产汇流演变规律及响应机理,2018.12.01 00:00:00+00-2021.11.30 00:00:00+00,张珂,科学技术部,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院


  • 1、Advances in Remote Sensing and Modeling of Terrestrial Hydrometeorological Processes and Extremes,Advances in Meteorology,01-JUN-16
  • 2、基于混合产流与二维运动波汇流分布式水文模型,水电能源科学,04-NOV-16
  • 3、Coupling the k-nearest neighbor procedure with Kalman filter for real-time updating of the hydraulic model in flood forecasting,International Journal of Sediment Research,08-JUN-16
  • 4、新安江模型中河网汇流参数 Cs 的一种计算方法,水科学进展,06-SEP-16
  • 5、Application and comparison of coaxial correlation diagram and hydrological model for reconstructing flood series under human disturbance,Journal of Mountain Science,04-MAR-16
  • 6、Applying a statistical method to streamflow reduction caused by underground mining for coal in the Kuye River basin,Science China Technological Sciences,01-DEC-16
  • 7、A review of remote sensing based actual evapotranspiration estimation,Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water,15-NOV-16
  • 8、Vegetation Greening and Climate Change Promote Multidecadal Rises of Global Land Evapotranspiration,Scientific Reports,30-OCT-15
  • 9、Water balance-based actual evapotranspiration reconstruction from ground and satellite observations over the conterminous United States,Water Resources Research,10-AUG-15
  • 10、GDBC: A tool for generating global-scale distributed basin morphometry,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,01-SEP-16
  • 11、Large-scale climate patterns and precipitation in an arid endorheic region: linkage and underlying mechanism,Environmental Research Letters,01-APR-16
  • 12、Runoff Sensitivity over Asia: Role of Climate Variables and Initial Soil Conditions,Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,2017-02-27,水文水资源学院
  • 13、Applying a statistical method to streamflow reduction caused by underground mining for coal in the Kuye River basin,SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,01-JAN-16
  • 14、Runoff sensitivity over Asia: Role of climate variables and initial soil conditions,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES,01-JAN-17
  • 15、Programme time optimization model for large-scale construction programme in China,2017 3rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics, ICCAR 2017,01-JAN-17
  • 16、A predictive model for Heating Value of municipal solid waste incineration in China,C e Ca,01-JAN-17
  • 17、Application and Sensitivity Analysis of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Chemical Oxygen Demand,Water Resources Management,01-JAN-17
  • 18、Trends in evapotranspiration and their responses to climate change and vegetation greening over the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,01-JAN-18
  • 19、Changing runoff generation in the source area of the Yellow River: Mechanisms, seasonal patterns and trends,COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,01-JAN-18
  • 20、Geographically weighted regression based methods for merging satellite and gauge precipitation,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-18
  • 21、Simulating canopy conductance of the Haloxylon ammodendron shrubland in an arid inland river basin of northwest China,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,01-JAN-18
  • 22、A review of remote sensing based actual evapotranspiration estimation,WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-WATER,01-JAN-16
  • 23、Hydrological regionalisation based on available hydrological information for runoff prediction at catchment scale,Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,01-JAN-18
  • 24、Multiple hydrological models comparison and an improved Bayesian model averaging approach for ensemble prediction over semi-humid regions,Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment,01-JAN-18
  • 25、Analysis of drought and vulnerability in the North Darfur region of Sudan,Land Degradation and Development,01-JAN-18
  • 26、Projections of Future Climate Change in Singapore Based on a Multi-Site Multivariate Downscaling Approach,Water,03-NOV-19
  • 27、Projections of future climate change in Singapore based on a multi-site multivariate downscaling approach,Water (Switzerland),01-JAN-19
  • 28、Using multi-satellite microwave remote sensing observations for retrieval of daily surface soil moisture across China,Water Science and Engineering,01-JAN-19
  • 29、The Sensitivity of North American Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes to Spatial and Temporal Variation in Soil Moisture: An Analysis Using Radar-Derived Estimates of Root-Zone Soil Moisture,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES,01-JAN-19
  • 30、Applicability assessment of the CASCade Two Dimensional SEDiment (CASC2D-SED) distributed hydrological model for flood forecasting across four typical medium and small watersheds in China,JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-19
  • 31、Evaluation of flood prediction capability of the distributed Grid-Xinanjiang model driven by weather research and forecasting precipitation,JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT,01-JAN-19
  • 32、Ground observation-based analysis of soil moisture spatiotemporal variability across a humid to semi-humid transitional zone in China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-19
  • 33、Sensitivity of hydrological models to temporal and spatial resolutions of rainfall data,HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,01-JAN-19
  • 34、Trends in evapotranspiration and their responses to climate change and vegetation greening over the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin (vol 263, pg 118, 2018),AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,01-JAN-19
  • 35、Characteristics and influencing factors of rainfall-induced landslide and debris flow hazards in Shaanxi Province, China,NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,01-JAN-19
  • 36、Multiple hydrological models comparison and an improved Bayesian model averaging approach for ensemble prediction over semi-humid regions,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,01-JAN-19
  • 37、Analysis of drought and vulnerability in the North Darfur region of Sudan,LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT,01-JAN-18
  • 38、基于PDSI的中国近30年气象干旱特征及时空变化分析,水资源保护,01-SEP-20
  • 39、基于PDSI的中国近30年气象干旱特征及时空变化分析,水资源保护,01-SEP-20
  • 40、A comprehensive assessment framework for quantifying climatic and anthropogenic contributions to streamflow changes: A case study in a typical semi-arid North China basin,Environmental Modelling & Software,,01-APR-20
  • 41、GA-PIC: An improved Green-Ampt rainfall-runoff model with a physically based infiltration distribution curve for semi-arid basins,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,01-JAN-20
  • 42、Cumulative ecohydrological response to hydrological processes in arid basins,ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS,01-JAN-20
  • 43、Evaluation of Flood Prediction Capability of the WRF-Hydro Model Based on Multiple Forcing Scenarios,WATER,01-JAN-20
  • 44、Physically-based landslide prediction over a large region: Scaling low-resolution hydrological model results for high-resolution slope stability assessment,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,01-JAN-20
  • 45、Projections of Future Climate Change in Singapore Based on a Multi-Site Multivariate Downscaling Approach,WATER,01-JAN-19
  • 46、A comprehensive assessment framework for quantifying climatic and anthropogenic contributions to streamflow changes: A case study in a typical semi -arid North China basin,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,01-JAN-20
  • 47、Analysis and Projection of Land-Use/Land-Cover Dynamics through Scenario-Based Simulations Using the CA-Markov Model: A Case Study in Guanting Reservoir Basin, China,SUSTAINABILITY,01-JAN-20
  • 48、Cumulative ecohydrological response to hydrological processes in arid basins,Ecological Indicators,17-DEC-20
  • 49、Characteristics and influencing factors of rainfall-induced landslide and debris flow hazards in Shaanxi Province, China,Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,14-JAN-19
  • 50、Analysis of drought and vulnerability in the North Darfur region of Sudan,LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT,01-JAN-18
  • 51、基于水土耦合机制的流域滑坡预报研究,气象,21-SEP-17
  • 52、Advances in Remote Sensing and Modeling of Terrestrial Hydrometeorological Processes and Extremes,Advances in Meteorology,2016-06-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 53、基于混合产流与二维运动波汇流分布式水文模型,水电能源科学,2016-11-04,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 54、新安江模型中河网汇流参数 Cs 的一种计算方法,水科学进展,2016-09-06,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 55、Application and comparison of coaxial correlation diagram and hydrological model for reconstructing flood series under human disturbance,Journal of Mountain Science,2016-03-04,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 56、Coupling the k-nearest neighbor procedure with Kalman filter for real-time updating of the hydraulic model in flood forecasting,International Journal of Sediment Research,2016-06-08,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 57、Vegetation Greening and Climate Change Promote Multidecadal Rises of Global Land Evapotranspiration,Scientific Reports,2015-10-30,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 58、Water balance-based actual evapotranspiration reconstruction from ground and satellite observations over the conterminous United States,Water Resources Research,2015-08-10,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 59、GDBC: A tool for generating global-scale distributed basin morphometry,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2016-09-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 60、GDBC: A tool for generating global-scale distributed basin morphometry,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2016-09-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 61、Large-scale climate patterns and precipitation in an arid endorheic region: linkage and underlying mechanism,Environmental Research Letters,2016-04-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 62、Applying a statistical method to streamflow reduction caused by underground mining for coal in the Kuye River basin,SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,2016-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 63、Runoff sensitivity over Asia: Role of climate variables and initial soil conditions,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES,2017-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 64、Application and Sensitivity Analysis of Artificial Neural Network for Prediction of Chemical Oxygen Demand,Water Resources Management,2017-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 65、Trends in evapotranspiration and their responses to climate change and vegetation greening over the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2018-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 66、Changing runoff generation in the source area of the Yellow River: Mechanisms, seasonal patterns and trends,COLD REGIONS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,2018-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 67、Geographically weighted regression based methods for merging satellite and gauge precipitation,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2018-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 68、Simulating canopy conductance of the Haloxylon ammodendron shrubland in an arid inland river basin of northwest China,AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2018-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 69、A review of remote sensing based actual evapotranspiration estimation,WILEY INTERDISCIPLINARY REVIEWS-WATER,2016-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 70、Hydrological regionalisation based on available hydrological information for runoff prediction at catchment scale,Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences,2018-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 71、Using multi-satellite microwave remote sensing observations for retrieval of daily surface soil moisture across China,Water Science and Engineering,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 72、The Sensitivity of North American Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes to Spatial and Temporal Variation in Soil Moisture: An Analysis Using Radar-Derived Estimates of Root-Zone Soil Moisture,JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-BIOGEOSCIENCES,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 73、Applicability assessment of the CASCade Two Dimensional SEDiment (CASC2D-SED) distributed hydrological model for flood forecasting across four typical medium and small watersheds in China,JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 74、Evaluation of flood prediction capability of the distributed Grid-Xinanjiang model driven by weather research and forecasting precipitation,JOURNAL OF FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 75、Ground observation-based analysis of soil moisture spatiotemporal variability across a humid to semi-humid transitional zone in China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 76、Sensitivity of hydrological models to temporal and spatial resolutions of rainfall data,HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 77、Trends in evapotranspiration and their responses to climate change and vegetation greening over the upper reaches of the Yellow River Basin (vol 263, pg 118, 2018),AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 78、Characteristics and influencing factors of rainfall-induced landslide and debris flow hazards in Shaanxi Province, China,NATURAL HAZARDS AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 79、Multiple hydrological models comparison and an improved Bayesian model averaging approach for ensemble prediction over semi-humid regions,STOCHASTIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND RISK ASSESSMENT,2019-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 80、Analysis of drought and vulnerability in the North Darfur region of Sudan,LAND DEGRADATION & DEVELOPMENT,2018-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 81、基于PDSI的中国近30年气象干旱特征及时空变化分析,水资源保护,2020-09-01
  • 82、A comprehensive assessment framework for quantifying climatic and anthropogenic contributions to streamflow changes: A case study in a typical semi-arid North China basin,Environmental Modelling & Software,,2020-04-01,水科学研究院党总支、水科学研究院、水资源高效利用与工程安全国家工程研究中心
  • 83、GA-PIC: An improved Green-Ampt rainfall-runoff model with a physically based infiltration distribution curve for semi-arid basins,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2020-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 84、Cumulative ecohydrological response to hydrological processes in arid basins,ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS,2020-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 85、Physically-based landslide prediction over a large region: Scaling low-resolution hydrological model results for high-resolution slope stability assessment,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2020-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 86、A comprehensive assessment framework for quantifying climatic and anthropogenic contributions to streamflow changes: A case study in a typical semi -arid North China basin,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2020-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 87、Analysis and Projection of Land-Use/Land-Cover Dynamics through Scenario-Based Simulations Using the CA-Markov Model: A Case Study in Guanting Reservoir Basin, China,SUSTAINABILITY,2020-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 88、基于水土耦合机制的流域滑坡预报研究,气象,2017-09-21,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 89、Improving flood simulation capability of the WRF-Hydro-RAPID model using a multi-source precipitation merging method,Journal of hydrology,2021-01-28,农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院、水土保持学院
  • 90、A Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datasets Based on Ground and GRACE Satellite Observations: Implications for Improvement of Evapotranspiration Retrieval Algorithm,remote sensing,2021-06-20,农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院、水土保持学院
  • 91、Spatiotemporal characteristics and attribution of dry/wet conditions in the Weihe River Basin within a typical monsoon transition zone of East Asia over the recent 547 years,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2021-09-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 92、Exploring the utility of radar and satellite-sensed precipitation and their dynamic bias correction for integrated prediction of flood and landslide hazards,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-12-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 93、Changes in precipitation extremes in the Yangtze River Basin during 1960-2019 and the association with global warming, ENSO, and local effects,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2021-03-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 94、A hybrid runoff generation modelling framework based on spatial combination of three runoff generation schemes for semi-humid and semi-arid watersheds,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2020-11-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 95、Improving the flood prediction capability of the Xin'anjiang model by formulating a new physics-based routing framework and a key routing parameter estimation method,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-12-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 96、A New Runoff Routing Scheme for Xin'anjiang Model and Its Routing Parameters Estimation Based on Geographical Information,WATER,2020-12-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 97、Impacts of precipitation and topographic conditions on the model simulation in the north of China,WATER SUPPLY,2021-05-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 98、Improving flood simulation capability of the WRF-Hydro-RAPID model using a multi-source precipitation merging method,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2021-01-01,农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院、水土保持学院
  • 99、A Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datasets Based on Ground and GRACE Satellite Observations: Implications for Improvement of Evapotranspiration Retrieval Algorithm,REMOTE SENSING,2021-06-01,农业科学与工程学院党委、农业科学与工程学院、水土保持学院
  • 100、Comparison of artificial intelligence flood forecasting models in China's semi-arid and semi-humid regions,Water Resources Protection,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 101、Satellite-based reconstruction and spatiotemporal variability analysis of actual evapotranspiration in the Jinshajiang River basin, China,Shuikexue Jinzhan/Advances in Water Science,2021-03-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 102、中小河流洪水防控与应急管理关键技术的思考,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 103、基于栅格型新安江模型的中小河流精细化洪水预报,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 104、华北地区分布式蓄超空间动态组合TOKASIDE-D模型研究,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 105、金沙江流域实际蒸散发遥感重建及时空特征分析,水科学进展,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 106、水库水体的最大类间方差迭代遥感提取方法,水资源保护,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 107、洪水预报智能模型在中国半干旱半湿润区的应用对比,水资源保护,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 108、GF-1遥感影像结合等高线消除云层干扰的连续水体重建法,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 109、栅格新安江-地表地下双人工调蓄分布式水文模型,水资源保护,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 110、宁夏三河源地区2000~2017年水循环关键要素时空变化分析,水文,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 111、陕甘宁三河源区1971—2017年极端降水时空变化分析,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 112、城市极端暴雨及洪涝灾害防控薄弱环节分析与对策,中国水利,2021-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 113、Spatiotemporal changes of precipitation extremes in Bangladesh during 1987-2017 and their connections with climate changes,climate oscillations,and monsoon dynamics,GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,2022-03-31
  • 114、Responses of vegetation growth to climate change over the Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2018,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,2022-05-03
  • 115、Spatiotemporal changes of precipitation extremes in Bangladesh during 1987-2017 and their connections with climate changes,climate oscillations,and monsoon dynamics,GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE,2022-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 116、Responses of vegetation growth to climate change over the Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 2018,ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS,2022-04-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 117、Assimilation of surface soil moisture jointly retrieved by multiple microwave satellites into the WRF-Hydro model in ungauged regions: Towards a robust flood simulation and forecasting,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2022-08-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 118、An integrated flood risk assessment approach based on coupled hydrological-hydraulic modeling and bottom-up hazard vulnerability analysis,ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE,2022-02-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 119、Climatology and changes in hourly precipitation extremes over China during 1970-2018,SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT,2022-09-15,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 120、Multi-objective optimal water resources allocation in the middle and upper reaches of the Huaihe River Basin (China) based on equilibrium theory,SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2022-04-22,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 121、基于多源降水融合驱动的WRF-Hydro模型在中小河流洪水预报中的适用性,河海大学学报(自然科学版),2022-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 122、栅格岩溶分布式水文模型,水资源保护,2022-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 123、1979—2018年雅砻江中上游积雪时空变化及影响因素分析,水资源保护,2022-01-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院
  • 124、Quantifying the superimposed effects of drought-flood abrupt alternation stress on vegetation dynamics of the Wei River Basin in China,JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY,2022-09-01,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院


  • 1、一种多源卫星土壤湿度反演方法,2018-05-16,水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,发明,3


  • 1、分布式水文模型(双语),研究生,21,32
  • 2、数字地面模型及应用,本科生,24
  • 3、分布式水文模型,研究生,0,32




















        Journal of Hydrology副主编

        Advances in Atmospheric Sciences副主编

        Hydrology Research副主编

        Frontiers in Earth Science副主编

        Water Science and Engineering副主编

        Environmental Modelling & Software编委


  • 1、2020年度大禹水利科学技术奖_二等奖(省、部委级),水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,2020-12-23,省、部委级,二等奖
  • 2、2021年度大禹水利科学技术奖_一等奖(省、部委级),水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,2021-12-21,省、部委级,一等奖
  • 3、2021-2022年度中国科技产业化促进会科学技术奖_其他奖(省、部委级),水文水资源学院党委、水文水资源学院,2022-07-08,省、部委级,其他奖

